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Image Comments posted by kionahills


    Very, very good image. Nice DOF and color. I also like the way you cropped the image. You kept it balanced in "thirds." Mike


    This is a very interesting image. The use of the side lighting really helps define the subject. The color and contrast are done well. Good work. Mike

    Tulip 4

    Truly an outstanding image. This is one of the best tulip shots I have ever seen. You hit everything right on. Color, DOF, composition, balance, contrast, on and on are perfect in my book. High marks from me. Mike


    Very, very nice image. I love the backlighting you used to draw out the vivid colors. Good DOF, too. Personally I might have cropped the stem just a bit more, but the long stem does not detract from the image. Excellent!! Mike


    Jenny, you did an excellent job of putting this image together. You have a wonderful subject that is well layed out. You balanced the colors very well. Your tonality is on key. Asthetically it is very pleasing, and I could sit and look at it for hours. Good work. Mike


    I have really enjoyed this series of images you have posted over the past few days. You have done an excellent job or using the available lighting to present the blossoms. The DOF is very good. I also like the way you cropped this image. Very nice. Mike


    This is an excellent image. The muted composition makes you guess as to what the real colors of the blossoms are. This is good. Very nice work. Mike
  1. So often on PN I see images like this that seem to draw low ratings, and I want to tell you why I have given this a high rating. When reviewing photographs it seems like most viewers (raters) either like or dislike an image and give a rating without telling the photographer or artist why they rated it as such. Providing a detailed analysis as opposed to a rating means the viewer has really taken the time to analyze the image for its' merits. This image is very, very good both originality wise and asthetically. You have taken advantage of excellent backlighting which renders the best possible colors. Your dof is right on and, the composition is unique. The rocks in the background add depth and approrpiate contrast. You cropped the image to take advantage of all of the aprropriate aspects of image making. Additionally you are telling a story here. As one who was very fortunate to have been able to study under Ansel Adams in my youth it would be great if many of the raters would simply go to their local library and check out his remarkable Photography Series. Photography is more than just clicking the shutter. The end product is art. I think you have done an excellent job in producing this piece of art. I will now step down from my soap box. Mike

    Nearly ready...

    This an excellent macro. Your color balance is definitely within range and your DOF is good. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. Keep expanding your horizons. Mike

    Red Tulips

    Nice composition and lighting. The dark background makes the reds richer. I like the right to left flow of the image, too. Nice work. Mike
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