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Image Comments posted by katherinemichael


    I could just flip it around to the vertical, but I am not sure I like the plants going that way. The way it is now is the right way up.



    It has been suggested to me that I should put a tilt on this photo

    because the butterfly looks awkward. Any thoughts? All critiques are


    Emerald Ripples

    Thank you for the comments. :) I like both versions. I did a more brilliant version of this as well, but I chose not to publish it because right now I am in a more subtle phase. I like the gentle undertones of green because they complement the single torn leaf without competing with it. That being said, I also love having the swirls of color and texture in the water be bright and rich. It just depends on the end goal really. That's one thing that I really love about photography, the ability to continually change and update the work as it suits me.

    A Hard Days Night


    This was a very busy spider. I had debated about cloning out the twig

    in the front to clean up the image. I couldn't avoid having it in the

    frame without losing the light in the web. It is also part of the

    structure holding the web up so I couldn't move it out of the way to

    take the shot. Any thoughts and critiques are appreciated.



    Ellery, thank you for taking the time to comment.


    There are plenty of people in my surrounding area who would call this dinner as well. HeHe :p


    Seriously though, I never intended for this to be a photo that got framed and hung on a wall. :)

    It is just an attempt at expressing some ideas that were running around in my head at the time. I was just thinking about how man's influence has spread deep into nature and how wildlife is always facing new challenges because of this. Some have adapted readily and thrive in our presence, such as raccoons, and others are struggling to adapt and hang on the edge of survival.


    We drive past animals that got hit on the road every day and don't really think much about it. That is especially true when the animal is considered common, such as this raccoon. However, all kinds of wildlife falls victim to traffic on roadways. You could say that it falls down to the concept of survival of the fittest. If you can't learn to stay off the road, then you might die. If the road were not there, it might have been something else that took this guy out. The world is a brutal place. The raccoon population is certainly not suffering because of the roadside casualties, but there are other species that are harder hit by such incidences.


    It isn't just roads that present man-made challenges for nature, this is just one example. I find it interesting how the two worlds interact. I am always looking to photographically document how man and nature come together. That goal is what ultimately led me to lie on my stomach on the side of a county road at daybreak last July and take a photo of a dead raccoon. Perhaps I need to get out more often. :/




    I wasn't sure which category really fit this shot. Some people hate

    this photo. Others find it intriguing and sad. I took this photo

    because I am interested in visually exploring how the world of mankind

    and the world of nature interact with each other and how that

    interaction may evolve in the future. All comments are appreciated.

    Red Rose


    A rose from the lovely bunch my husband gave me for our anniversary.

    I just wanted to do something a little different. I like this because

    it reminds me of rolling waves. Any critiques are appreciated.



    I really like this. It made me look twice for sure. The shape formed by the body is intriguing. The exposure is excellent, lots of detail. I have to say that I am not in love with the dark corners though. Perhaps if the photo were not in a black frame I might feel differently about that. To me the frame makes the photo appear darker than it really is.

    Dark Reptile

    Thanks Jerry. I wanted to to be very dark, to where most of the attention was on the left side of the gator. However, I think you were both right about not having enough range on the right side, its too black. I created a new version this morning and posted it for critique. Its still very dark like I wanted but I think there is better detail on the right side of the gator. Please check that one out and let me know your opinion.

    Dark Reptile #2


    I posted a version of this yesterday that was a little darker and the

    response was that I needed more detail in the shadow side of the

    alligator, so here is a new version. Any thoughts?

    Dark Reptile


    Thanks for the critique Claude. That is pretty much what I was thinking, that I might have gone too far on the dark. I didn't do much work to this, just the very basics so I might open it back up and do some more detailed work in that front area.





    What's Up?

    This is great! I love the contrast between the water and the colorful fish. The angle of the shot is nice. Good job catching the moment. Is it a koi? I love koi. They are so cute. This will have to go in my favorites for sure.
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