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Posts posted by abe_hollander

  1. I like this one because it's so busy, and the breeze tossed it, so the focal point is on the edge of a petal.


    All using the macro switch ("focus limiter" schmimiter... it's still fun to pretend!) on my Sigma 70-300 APO, with tripod.<div>00PFfD-43069384.jpg.8146ba8e2c66461fd43a282e193d135c.jpg</div>

  2. Rose, pure lack of funds is doing it for me. I have no illusions of being able to purchase any lenses, as I haven't developed the eye for the el cheapos at pawnshops, like the veterans here, so that leaves me only wanting a DA* 50-135, and it towers over me like an unobtainable carrot on a stick (speaking of sticks, I did score the monopod I wanted on eBay).


    But I shed no tears, and have so much to learn with my 3 lenses! I'm hoping Santa will bring it to me, so a 3-month trip on the wagon seems so eminently do-able.

  3. Rose, you're a dear, for sure. But you're implying that mis would be my OLDER brother... did you wanna check that, or are you ready for him to continue posting links with saliva-inducing lenses in them?




    Seems the detractors are ready to try to knock us off the wagon! I say, "They know not who they're dealing with." {QUICK! Light the candles!}

  4. Andy, I agree. Visiting that site makes me wanna throw my camera out the window, and just buy postcards and professionally printed images.


    Time for a deep, cleansing breath, and the realization that taking pictures (supposedly) will make us all better photographers. Makes me think that the lens barely makes a difference.

  5. Well, I had no idea this thread was heading this way, but since it did... I'm not a week into this program and WADDAYA KNOW! My Dad just gave that lens to me as an (early) birthday present!


    Heck, Rose... I just *ADORE* this challenge! I hope you come up with more!


    So, I think - at the tender age of 4 Pentaxian/DSLR months (me and my K10D) - I might be ready to ditch the kit 18-55 (which means it goes back to Dad).


    Thanks for posting the review, mis! And really: You don't want it. Not pretty enough (heck knows I like me some pretty lenses).

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