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Image Comments posted by geertje



    Still not happy with the way this turned out.. but that silhoutting stuff sure is fun! Amazing.. :) And you are right. If done properly this will add to the original. Just how many times did I say thank you to you over these past few weeks? Here is one more.. THANKS!




    This was taken down the street where I live. I was in a hurry to catch my train. Cam was packed in my suitcase. I Looked back before I turned around the corner and Bingo.. I just HAD to dig up my cam and shoot it. There's always a train going somewhere sometime right?


    There's a family with small children living up there. My guess is mom had a chance to wash the fav. cuddly toy of the youngest. Washing them is one thing.. drying them an other. You can't just hang it by it's ears on the clothes-line.now can you? ..That would be traumatic :P


    I hated it when my mother washed my toy's.. took them ages to smell like they ought to again..and by the time they did.. My mom washed them again.. LOL


    Thanks for passing by and taking the time to comment. Very much appreciated!


    Enjoy your weekend,




    I like this one a lot! Very well seen and composed. B&W is a good choice for this one. However.. to me it looks slightly tilted. Something that happens to me all the time. If this is a crop.. and I suppose it is. You might wanna concider using the original to straighten it a bit. But again, I like it, this really is my cup of tea!


    Dutch greetings,


  1. I think each and every moment contains unlimited potential with unlimited possibilities of what can happen. To me, the glass can hardly be only one or two states.


    Not sure if that qualifies me ....

    Then again, you can all ways delete my comment. :)



    I love this frozen moment in time. The colours, the light.. the bird with wings spread...it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. That bag.. home from a long journey? Packed for a pick nick? Did he plan on spending most of his new day on that rock? Or is it packed with stones? To make sure he dives in deep? Is that a rope I see attached to the bag? is he aiming for a new beginning?


    Ok.. enough.. I really REALLY like this pic!

    Well done! congrats!


    Big smile,


    Lines 4


    Super uit! Geen problemen met contrast op mijn computers.. en er staan er hier 3. Erg goed gezien en gevangen! Wat is 't? kantoorpand? Zijn het woningen? Je zou bij ons in Rotterdam de kubus woningen waarschijnlijk een leuke uitdaging vinden. Gefeliciteerd Jaap, hier kun je weer trots op zijn!

    Fijn weekend,


    The Watering Girl


    I seldom do this, specially since Tom allready posted a suggestion. But I agree with Luca about saving the arch. Don't get me wrong... I am not making this a contest about who's crop is the best.. In fact, I allready liked it as it was. But before I knew it I was playing with it too.

    Hope you 2 don't mind me posting my version as a suggestion.


    Renee -1997


    I thought I saw a diference in the way the hair falls below her back. As if some was added to prevent her body shining through a little. I apologize. Thank you for explaining!


    Dutch greetings,



    Renee -1997


    What did you do with the hair? It looks as if you did some post processing... Was her body shining through?

    Sure is a beautiful head of hair. Sigh..


    And no I am not stalking you ( grinn) you just seem to pop up in my screen no matter where I wander on PN today.


    Bye for now.



    Pit Bull


    I agree with you.... PLEASE don't ever let that dog get a grip like that on that little boy. A parent with a dog like that... trained the way he is training it... first thing that comes in mind is " compensation" I leave it up to you to decide where he thinks he has to compensate for....


    Well done Meir!

    The Watering Girl


    I like the lines... the way they lead my eyes to the little girl. She seems so small in this labyrinth of stones. But yet so comfortable and in place..

    Well done!


    About the resizing blurr.. which programm do you use? Are you sure you are doing it the right way? I mean .. not changing the pixels but just the size of the image? Because I never have a problem with it.


    Welcome to PN by the way! I noticed you are a new member. After this post I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.


    Kind regards,


    Cheetah 2


    I totally agree with Mike....that expression.. wow... I went to your bio to see where you live and what you do to be able to make pictures like this. Too bad you haven't written one yet. Do you travel a lot? Are animals like this your neighbours? Steal them from a zoo and set them free in your back yard? (just kidding! ) Anyway, I hope one day I will be able to make a photo of such a beautiful wild cat out in the open somewhere Congrats and thank you very much for sharing!


    Kind regards,


    market day


    Hmmmm, I wonder what he will be having for lunch, and dinner... and breakfast..... grinn..


    Nice shot! Well done! A pity his feet got cut off and I would crop a little on top and on the right. Just him and his corn.


    Just my 2 cents...

    Thanks for sharing.


    Kind regards,




    First of all, welcome to PN!


    Secondly.. English is not my first language, so I hope I make at least some sense to you.


    I like a lot of things in this photo. The colours for example and the structures and shades. And the peeking is so recognicable.. I am a very curious person myself.. gets me into trouble often. So your photo made me smile real big. Well done!

    However.. if it were mine, I would crop some both to the right and the left. And a little below, closer to her feet. That way I as a viewer could peek in with her..


    Thanks for sharing Cristian, and keep shooting!


    Greetings from the Netherlands,




    Yup, I'ts a joke Mauro.. Don't you worry.. I LOVE life. I was in this Hotel in South Korea. It was late, I was tired. Had my butt tight in a very comfy chair and my feet up against the window. Thought about calling it.. "the world at my feet" It sure was how it felt like. I had a wonderful time back packing through this part of Asia. Thanks for your visit!


    Keep smiling,





    Thank you, took this one during my lunchbreak. I noticed the way the sunbeams were playing hide and seek on that spot the day before, so I took my cam with me to work the next day. And.. against all ods.. I was lucky the sun showed up again. Living in the Netherlands.. that's rare... Nice meeting you here Francesco, take care!






    Hahaha Sam... that lump is a Korean newspaper. Things like that intrigue me... Did he use it to clean the shoes with? Are the shoes a bit too tight and did he try filling them with a wet newspaper to stretch them a bit? ( Old trick my mother used to do when we had new shoes) anyone's gues is as good as mine.


    You sure have spent some time in my portfolio, thanks again! Always welcome!



    Hey Jaap, thanks! And so good to see you here.


    Francesco, thanks for the visit and the compliment. South Korea is such a colourful country.


    Sam, thank you too. I am glad you feel that way about the steps. I really did concider to repost this photo without them, but it just did not feel right to me.


    Ya'll come back now ya hear.... ( Southern accent with a Dutch smile)

    The Shop 1

    Francesco, I like the composition. But I would like to see a little more contrast and I find the plastic round the models leg a bit distracting. Just my 2 cents..... Kind greetings from the Netherlands!
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