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Image Comments posted by geertje

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    Hahahhaha, we have a few of those shops in the Netherlands too. Tho I think our condomeries sell only that.. condoms.. in many colours , shapes and tastes.. just as you wrote. Colourfull catch Sam!



    Beautiful work. Composition, toning, it all works for me. Good "catch"! One small detail distracting me a bit is what seems to be a little of another net showing near his right leg. If it were mine ( I wish!) I would clone it out. But again... well done!
  1. Hi, nice to see you here! What you are looking at is a restaurant boat. It was an early morning in Paris and it wasn't open to guests yet. Because the chairs were all piled up to one side this little girl had plenty of room to make the floor her stage. She was dancing to music I could barely hear, in her own little world. She was twisting and turning and she looked so....I don't know.. like me when I was younger I guess... I love to dance. After looking at her for a little while I took this picture through the glass. And walked on with a big smile on my face. She never even noticed I was there. And you are right, the photo does need touching up. But somehow I like it just the way it is. A bit "dreamy". It won't win any prizes... but it sure makes me smile everytime I look at it.

    Thank you very much for passing by and leaving a comment. I noticed you spent some time in my portfolio and left comments on a few other pictures of mine too. I appreciate.


    Have fun and take good care!







    Jaap, It's pretty, thats for sure. But to be honest I like "golden light" better. My eyes are having some trouble with the lack of sharpness in this one. Sure looks like a beautiful spot though. Too bad they have man eating midgets overthere to spoil the fun, cause it sure looks like THE place to be @sunset. Take care and have fun! Geertje

    Just a another one

    I like the angle. At first glance I thought I would like to see a little less contrast. But after noticing all the cig ends on the floor, I decided the contrast gives it a nice "noir"effect. I sure hope her lungs don't look like that! Nice capture Bob, well done.


    Very strong! Leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I like how his shadow is both in the "room" and on the floor. Well seen, well captured and great presentation, congrats!
  2. STRONG photo. The way that bench leads my eye directly into the scene, and far beyond it....Great composition. Well done! After studying it for a while I noticed something strange..and now I can't stop myself from looking at it. I even saved it to my desktop and enlarged it. I know it sounds silly.. but next to the tree, the one at the end of the seat of the bench, I see a face. It's at about the same height as the back of the bench.


    Thanks Ton.. and to be honest.. if they had not brought that bottle with them.. I would have been tempted to waiting long enough to see one of those ladies on hands and knees to drink some from that tap..Goodness knows I always succeed in making a mess that way... bad huh :P


    I thought about it, in fact I have a version without it. But you see, it's so typical... temperature in Greece can be very high. Water is a necessity. They could not stay out of their homes for long without it. The water makes this a real scene for me from every day life on Crete. Thanks for your visit and for taking the time to leave a comment. Much appreciated!

    Baby Elephants


    Andreas, you could concider cloning out some of the grass. The most difficult part is the eye.. But it might be worth the try. I worked on it just a little as a suggestion.I hope you don't mind and I bett you can do a whole lot better than me.


    Kind regards,





    Thank you Joao! I posted a similar one earlier this week and received a very constructive comment. Now, after having done some work on the original, I like it even better then I already did. That's the fun of sharing on PN! :)


    Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.


    Fijne dag!





    Slavedriver! ( Just kidding!!! ) I went back to my drawingbord and I agree; A little more contrast does look better. As for the cables.. the one that's horizontal across one of those umbrella's is giving me a hard time...But I won't give up.. yet.


    Took this one in a small shopping centre in Seoul. One of many... I couldn't get enough of it.


    It's late, my eyes are tired and I had better get some sleep. If I dream of being strangled by cables it's your fault mister! hahahahha.


    Have a supercalifrigialisticexplialidosius sunday! And thanks!

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