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Image Comments posted by geertje


    Yup, and I am glad it ain't mine. Winter, spring summer or fall, no matter what the weather conditions are.. they are always out there.



    Thank you Giuseppe! I am still a bit "shy" when it comes to people photography. But Korean people seem to like having their picture taken. Or maybe are too polite to refuse... Anyway, I seldom hear no when I ask here , which encourages me to ask more often. I spent a great deal of time in and around that little harbour and had a wonderful day! the smell, the colours, their kindness...


    Thanks again for your kind comment and rating.





    It is weird huh? I am traveling through South Korea right now and I see zillions of this kind of containers near restaurants supermarkets etc...Some contain types of seafood I've never seen before. I wonder if they "know" they are in a game of russian roulette...


    On the other hand, Koreans don't waste a thing. If it's not eaten ( dead or alive) it is dried or becomes an ingredient in a large dish with rice and vegetables or the main ingredient in a broth or soup.


    Thanks for your visit!


    Regards, Geertje


    I agree with al the above, colours, details, title.. really very very good. But what i like most of all is the gentle flow in this photo... like a small wave. It gives it a softness I like!
  1. Tero, I dont think it's your eyes doing the tricks here, but Gordon is. :)

    good work gordon. I especially like the structure of the wood and how you played with the position of that framed net... the eye gives it a creepy effect. Once I spotted that I cant keep my eyes from it.


    Oh boy, did I just tell you you have creepy eyes???? LOL!



    I hope i am not offending you, I certainly do not mean too... But... compared to the rest of your beautiful, warm, colourfull and very"peoplefriendly" work.. this seems a lot colder and unatatched. What I mean to say ( in my poor english) is that overall i see a warmth and love for nature and people in your work. Not in this one tho. The position, the light, her being so in the dark part of the room instead of on the warmer tones below.. I would love to hear from you why you decided to take the photo and post it on pn? Don't get me wrong.. I am not at all against nudity. Human body is beautiful! So is the body of this woman.. But why the distance in it... whats your thought behind this?


    Kind regards,


    Lunch time.


    you are in my fav list quite a while now. Your portfolio is different than most others and very inspirational. You managed to create your own style. Something I still haven't figured out for myself yet. if this photo had been taken by anyone else i would have wondered.. why.. what is there to see? Even his socks are "average":P But this one fits right in with the rest of your work. ( Reading this back it sounds weird, but it's meant as a compliment)


    Keep shooting, keep sharing, keep inspiring new bees like me. THANKS!




    Cool effect, great colours! The only thing I find a bit distracting is that I can still see the child with the white shirt in the background, outside of the circle. My 2 cents :)



    at all! And I hope she will never grow out of this tree hugging phase. I love being near, under or up in trees. This pic makes me smile. Specially because of the pose, as if she is listening to it's many many stories of people and days and years passing by... Maybe you should try it once yourself.. you never know.. you might be in for a surprise :)


    Kind regards,


    bridge traffic

    Well done William. I know how hard it is to catch neon and traffing lights without shaking! I tried many times without a tripod and failed so far. Have you concidered to straighten the horizon? That way the eyes of the viewer would be pulled straight into the picture instead of wander around. But again, congrats, good catch!
  2. Critic no... comment yes.


    I think this is a very well composed photograph. I like the "frosty" look of the once bright but now faded colours of the leaves and the wood. I wonder, is this a fence I see? Or a wooden floor? Whatever it is.. WELL done!

    Washed up

    Hmmm, ik ben t niet helemaal met Michael eens. Ik vind het effect van dat grove schelpen zand juist mooi. Zeker dat kleine bergje zwart voor de fles! Ach, zo zie je maar weer, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... ik vind 't in ieder geval een PLAATJE! Wat zijn dat voor tekens op de dop? Japan's? Ben je nou alweer in een vliegtuig gesprongen? :)


    Good shot! A picture of someone standing on his/ her hands is one thing, but a pic from someone upside down, hands lifted from the floor is another...the shadow of her hands is a nice extra. Very well composed and I like the way you treated the B&W ( warming filter? )
  3. Hhahahhaa.. noticed this one in the no words forum. Made me smile REAL big! You are nuts mister! ...and after seeing this I know you concider that a compliment. It sure is meant that way. This would work great on a poster protesting against pollution or something.

    Have a great day mister. And again, thanks for sharing!



    I've been trying hard to improve my skills. Thanks to all your helpful

    comments so far, I feel my work has improved some. Would like to "check"

    on that by submitting this to the critique forum.Thank you in advance for

    taking the time to view and (hopefully) comment and rate.



    I've been trying hard to improve my skills. Thanks to all your helpful

    comments so far, I feel my work has improved some. Would like to "check"

    on that by submitting this to the critique forum.Thank you in advance for

    taking the time to view and (hopefully) comment and rate. Please view




    I've been trying hard to improve my skills. Thanks to all your helpful

    comments so far, I feel my work has improved some. Would like to "check"

    on that by submitting this to the critique forum.Thank you in advance for

    taking the time to view and (hopefully) comment and rate. BTW.. I know this

    one is tilted. I think it adds to the sense of speed this photo gives me. Does it

    work for you?



    . I've been trying hard to improve my skills. Thanks to all your helpful

    comments so far, I feel my work has improved some. Would like to "check"

    on that by submitting this to the critique forum.Thank you in advance for

    taking the time to view and (hopefully) comment and rate.

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