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Image Comments posted by jzq

  1. I love this kind of thing. It's a photograph that has the quality of an impressionist painting. It also makes me feel like I'm looking back into history. A minor point -- if you care to take it -- is try to get the top of the lamp in next time?



    I, too, was a music student in college and grad school, and I recently started a passionate love affair with photography. I can't tell you what it takes to make a head-scratching picture, but my philosophy is just keep shooting. At this point, some will be good and some will be bad, but I just try to focus on reaching the best photo I can RIGHT NOW. I'm sure the head-scratching stage comes after many more years.


    As far as this particular photo you've posted, I'm drawn by the color more than the subject. I really like the burnt/rusty tones you've got going there, but I'm missing a larger context. I assume that building is in London? -- But it looks an awful lot like a building in LA too.

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