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Everything posted by raoul_butler

  1. raoul_butler

    Man of India

    Old man of India series
  2. <p>Has anyone tried x raying there lens, the only negative I have heard it can make glass darker, but I suspect this is at very high dosages. </p>
  3. <p>I have a humidity controlled camera case, it doesn't work, it has no light or air movement, I suspect this is the reason it failed. The lenses all got fungus. The humidity was set at 31%, below 30% is bad for your gear, things dry out and shrink etc.<br> So am looking at systems to kill and control lens fungus. And crystals in a plastic box does not work either, after a period of time trouble comes to visit. I have been looking at UVC but glass blocks the light. I am wondering about electro magnetic fields. These are very similar to UVC, in fact UVC produces an electromagnetic field, so not a good idea around modern cameras with chips, CPROM chips are wiped by direct exposure to UVC. Thymol is another possible, except it perishes rubber. <br> I am now looking at 30 plus lenses needing serious repairs. It happened quite quickly. And in New Zealand to fix a lens, quotes range from $400.00 to $2500.00.</p>
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