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Everything posted by raoul_butler

  1. Wayne... Thanks for the compliments... it was shot using an Olympus shift lens and Ilford BW. I took a look at your work, I like how you use a painted approach to your work, I find my work is traditional, time to think about how I consider my next series. Cheers Raoul
  2. raoul_butler

    The Sharman

    India ... religion the colour, a bicycle and a newspaper.
  3. raoul_butler


    India and the street cafes and vendors, shops, street life...
  4. This is from the series : Strength of a woman. What I wanted to capture is the feminine lines and shapes of strength, all very different to the masculine ideas of strength...
  5. Justine is a dancer, this was a series based on woman who portrayed famine strength.
  6. raoul_butler

    Tibetan Gaucho

    Tibet is a magic place and that comes from the people. The style these people have in clothes and life... magic.
  7. raoul_butler

    Peter Sculthorpe

    Composer Peter Sculthorpe is/was a brilliant musician. The idea was it rained music...
  8. raoul_butler

    Dance with snakes

    Karl is a dancer, this is from a series : People who believe in what they do
  9. raoul_butler

    Man of theatre

    Tony Knight teaches direction at NIDA
  10. raoul_butler


    BW Australian Cowboy
  11. raoul_butler

    All nudes!

    Nice work Diego, interesting take on a nude.
  12. Thanks for the comment.
  13. Yea interesting comment, this is from a street series of people all shot on film, this was 5x4 BW. The girl has taken from the mother her prowess her confidence etc... but also children today are very able in front of a camera, they know with confidence how to pose.
  14. raoul_butler


    Really cool image, great use of high key light.
  15. Hello I don't know what fanSTIC means? But thanks, it sounds pretty cool
  16. raoul_butler

    Flea Circus

    Diego where are you based? I took a look at your work, very good. Are you shooting on medium format... I like your framing effect, digital or traditional BW?
  17. People of the street series
  18. People of the Street Series
  19. Hypnotist Peter Powers Sydney Harbor Bridge
  20. raoul_butler

    Guys n Dolls

    Edinburgh festival production Guys n Dolls
  21. raoul_butler

    Flea Circus

    London Underground Flea Circus
  22. Twins in a village of Cameroon
  23. Street vendors of Mexico
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