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Image Comments posted by httpwww.photos.netphot

  1. Thanks for the insight, Jeff. I mostly agree. I actually think B&W would be much more effective for this shot and show more depth if I was able to increase the contrast. I tried that, but the sky looked blown out, so I backed off until I saw some detail in the sky again. Unfortunately, it made the rest of the comp look slightly muddled, as you pointed out.Thanks for commenting.

    Regards, Joe

    Golden Glow


    I was attracted to the greenish gold color of the moss in the fore ground.

    Looked much brighter in peson! Please take a moment to comment.

    Regards, Joe

    On Golden Pond


    Taken from my deck before heading off to work. The scene filled me with

    a sense of calm and serenity. Please take a moment to leave your

    thoughts and comments.

    Regards, Joe

    New Day II


    Thanks all for the kind words!

    Lacey, I want to address what you said about liking the fact that the mountain is not centered. It seems that nowadays it is not compositionally correct to center your subject matter, especially for landscapes. I agree with that in a lot of cases.

    On the other hand, some subjects are best portrayed centered. This is a crop from the original version which can be found in my portfolio, which is centered. I think that comp works equally well. Sometimes it's great to see the beauty of symmetry, and centering your subject (especially one as powerful as Mt. Rainier) shows that off best, especially in reflection shots. It's akin to a performer taking center stage.

    OK, I'm done rambling now!

    Regards, Joe

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