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Image Comments posted by httpwww.photos.netphot

  1. Great comp and beautiful dramatic light on Tomyhoi Peak and Mt. Larabee. If you could lighten this up just a bit, you would have a definite winner! I love Artist Point, such gorgeous scenery for so little effort!

    Regards, Joe

  2. Amherst is close to Northampton (voted best small art city in America), I used to work there, really cool bohemian place. I'm also pretty familiar with NH, used to take frequent drives there, as well as VT. Miss those sugarhouses!

    Fall in N.E. can't be beat, but the PNW is pretty awesome! You get some good spots of fall color here, but nothing like the north east. On the other hand, New England doesn't have 14,000' glacier clad volcanoes! Hopefully I can splurge for a decent DSLR soon and take my photography to the next level.

    Keep up the good work, I'll definitely be back to check out your stuff.

    Best regards, Joe

  3. Beautiful shot Leslie. I was going to say that this reminds me of some of the shots I took when I lived in MA. I looked at the data, and sure enough, this was taken in MA! Where was this taken? Do you live in MA? I lived in Amherst for 8 years before moving to WA.

    Best Regards, Joe

  4. Thank you John and Eric for your input, the brightness in the TRC was the only thing that bothered me initially. I only have Elements 2 to edit, how do I isolate just that corner? Your input is definitely appreciated. I'm also attaching another shot of the same scene with more foliage and less rock. Let me know what you think.

    Eric, thanks again for turning me on to Charles Cramer. I still love the grand landscapes, but his stuff is just awesome. My favorite is his "Bare Trees, Red Leaves". The stark monochromatic stand of bare trees set against the one tree with red leaves is a really powerful image.

    Thanks again guys.

    Best regards, Joe

  5. Thank you for the kind words, Jim.

    Eric, I agree with you about the TRC. I thought the exact same thing, but thought that if I cropped that out, it would also eliminate most of that layered basalt formation that's right next to it. I'm attaching a cropped version, let me know if it's an improvement.

    Also, thanks for turning me on to Charles Cramer. I'll check out his site and let you know what I think. I've always been a fan of grand landscapes, but lately I find myself being attracted to more intimate "portraits" as well, which I think can be just as powerful in their own way. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

    Regards, Joe

  6. Thank you for the compliment Neil, much appreciated! Of course, some jerk had to give me a 3/3 without an explanation. Oh well, I've come to expect that here.

    Anyway, I took this shot at a scenic turnout along rte. 12 in WA. I was impressed by the basaltic cliffs, the foliage was a bonus!

    Regards, Joe

  7. Thank you for the compliment, Neil. I just wish the coward that just gave me a 3/3

    would at least take a minute to explain why he/she thinks my photo deserves such a low rating.

    Regards, Joe

  8. I liked the way the vertical and horizontal aspects of this regenerating

    forest combined to form a grid-like pattern. I thought converting it to

    B&W would enhance the effect. Thoughts?


    Stormy sunset #2


    Truly a magic moment to remember. Just to witness this scene must have been reward enough, but to capture it in a photograph is icing on the cake! Truly inspiring stuff!

    Regards, Joe

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