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Image Comments posted by httpwww.photos.netphot

    The Hand Of God


    Thanks for your input Steve. It's not a virga. I just googled it, and coincidentally, the image I found looks exactly like what I'm seeing out of my window right now!

    I also searched the web for a similar photo to the one I took, and after much searching, I cannot find anything similar. I'm sure this formation has occurred before, but I'm convinced it must be quite rare! Attached is a panaoramic view.

    Thanks again, Joe.


    The Hand Of God


    Took this the other day when I got home from work. I never saw

    anything quite like this! Those fingers aren't crepuscular rays, theyr'e

    the actual cloud formation. Has anyone seen this phenomena before,

    and is there a name for it? Please let me know!

    View larger, regards, Joe.

  1. Mount Rainier at first light. Slight rework and new crop of a previous

    post. I think this crop makes the composition look more dynamic. View

    larger, please take a moment to comment.

    Regards, Joe

    In The Distance

    Thanks for the compliment, Steve. I liked the light and I thought I would try to capture this scene from a different perspective. Getting down low also enabled me to exclude most of the houses that were in the way!
  2. Thanks for the compliment, Nadya.

    To answer your question Tatjana, no, this is at Mt. Rainier national park. Your'e thinking of the Giant's Causeway, a similar formation on the Irish coast. This is actually a fairly common phenomena with volcanic rock, particularly andesite and basalt. You can find this sort of stuff all over the place here in the Pacific Northwest, lots of volcanic activity around here, thats for sure!

    Regards, Joe

  3. Thanks Mateusz, for commenting on my 'Cascading Through The Mist' photo.

    Love the contrast here between warm and cool colors, strong comp as well. Zion is high on my list of places to visit, and is even more so now!

    Regards, Joe

  4. Mateusz, I love the cotton candy effect in most cases, but I think in this case, an in between shutter speed shows movement while still preserving the details in the water as Victor and Zeph alluded to. The flow was quite strong as you can see, and the water looked too blown out when I tried a longer exposure. I don't think a longer exposure would accurately portray the power of the flow in this case.

    Thanks again for your comments.

  5. In retrospect Paul, I should have moved back far enough to include all of the log and the tops of the trees. Kind of kicking myself that I didn't do that. As far as color goes, the highlights on the trees were blown out. That's why I tried B&W and wound up liking the tonality and contrast much better. I'm attaching a color version for comparison with more log visible. Let me know what you think. Thanks for commenting, Joe.

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