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Image Comments posted by morey_kitzman

    Tsegi II

    Thank you for the feedback. Kathy, I agree with you on the tilt, I can correct it, as well as the highlights. The lens flare is more a result of poor dodging and burning. Again, thanks.
  1. Chrisitan


    Thanks for your comment. I agree with you about the crop, I will restore the foundation. I was more focused on the top part and the white house, that I neglected the bottom. Fortunately, when I took the shot I was able to raise the camera well above the fence and I do have several feet of foreground. Excellent observation on your part!

    Canyon de Chelly

    Colin, I thought you might have meant the 90. In composing the shot I was fascinated by the movement of the trees through the canyon. I think the 90 would have made them less noticeable. The 110 is a super shot lens and most the time its about all the wideangle I need for landscape. It is really easy to compose on the ground glass, very bright image to work with. Best regards, Morey.

    Canyon de Chelly

    Thanks for all your feedback. Colin, I think increasing the foreground would decrease the area of the sky and anything less would appear out of balance. Paul, I agree the image is too contrasty, but that is a limitation of my scanner, Microtek 1800f. The lab where I take my slides brings out considerable more shadow detail. I suppose I could shoot when the sun is not as bright, but the shadows define the contours of the canyon. Cheers.

    Caravan # 2

    Perhaps its the clarity, but the feeling of being drawn in and actually feeling like you are there is quite remarkable. Outstanding work!! Congratulations.
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