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Image Comments posted by morey_kitzman

  1. Art, thanks!


    I have photographed Spider Rock before, but there were no clouds and it lacked a certain drama. So this time I was hoping for some clouds. When I went to this spot in the afternoon it was extremely windy and since I had been up since the early morning, I decided to take a long nap in my Forerunner. When I woke up the clouds where present. I think they add a certain drama that are hard to appreciate on this scale. I agree with Chip that they seem like two worlds, but Spider Rock was always about two worlds. Cheers.

  2. Dan


    Yes, that was the sky. The only alteration was conversion to BW. I will upload the color version in the next day. As I recall now, I believe I used a polarizer which intensified the sky. Thanks guys for commenting.

  3. I was trying to get a shot of Spider Rock and in looking for the

    right vantage point I came across this. No name here, the clouds were

    interesting. I re worked this image to improve tonality.

    Mesa Arch

    Thanks to everyone for the feedback. Walter, I appreciate your kind words about my other composition of Mesa Arch. Yet, there is still something about his composition that I like, it is a bit more subtle, but the tones are smoother. Best regards to all.
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