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Image Comments posted by wilkesmann




    I like the shot, but you fell for the number one wedding trap man! Always expose for the brides dress! Or just underexpose everything half a stop to be safe, its easy to bring detail back into dark pixels, but if its overexposed then the information is gone, and there's nothing you can do about the glaring whiteness of her dress :(



    A random woman on the street in Prague who I found interesting, trying

    to get close enough for a decent photo without seeming like I was

    stalking her was an interesting challenge. Please let me know what you





    Hi Manik,

    I have no idea how someone could rate this 3/3? I think its a great documentary shot, beautiful lighting and composition. Congratulations, you should be proud of this one. 5/6 anon.




    Yea my VS :) It's just outside Mansfield, Victoria. It was early morning and there was this beautiful sky and I needed some sort of foreground, so the car it was.



    Hi there,

    the first problem which jumps at me here is that the table, and not the child, is in focus. Secondly, there is no compositional value here, the strong (in focus) lines of the table do not lead your eyes anywhere but out of the shot. Apart from being out of focus, she seems disinterested and unaware the shot is being taken, and with small children you need to be careful of this as the shot can come across as 'creepy'. Sad, but true.

    Keep trying and good luck!

    Kookaburra 1


    Hi adrian,

    My first tip would be to place the kookaburra somewhere other than the center of your frame, in this case I would put him to the left, so then he is looking into the frame, which always makes your shot stronger if your subject has some 'space' to look into or to go into.

    Secondly I'd say try and get closer (maybe you did and he flew away? I dont know), But kookas are usually super friendly and you can get some nice close ups.


    But keep it up man! Good luck with your digital.


  1. Hi,

    I think you have done well here. I wouldn't call this an 'amazing' photo, but I also think it would have been easy to make a boring picture in this situation, but you have managed to creat one with strong compositional value. Well done.




    Hello again,

    I have just been very surprised at the discussion my comment sparked. As well as the personal email I received from David telling me I was wrong, and that this is in fact one of his best shots. As I mentioned, I was simply trying to pay the courtesy of explaining my low rating, since no-one else had done so.

    If this satisfies your own criteria for a great shot, and is a nice family snapshot, then congratulations on your brilliant work. But it was put up for rating and critique, apparently you are interested in improving your photography, so why the prickly defensiveness when it is critiqued?

    I will explain my first comment; obviously there is not NOTHING here, every photo has SOMETHING in it. Clearly I meant there is absolutely nothing of interest. The picture is nothing more than a clumsy snapshot:

    - The image is not sharp.

    -You have realised yourself there is a large overexposed patch right in the center of it.

    - The subject looks phenomenally bored and is not even looking at the camera!

    - It's a distracting background. Whether it was his choice or not, you are asking for a critique on the actual image, and not the motive behind it.

    - You are shooting straight on, quite simply you are providing a boring perspective on a boring subject. Please don't confuse that with a personal comment on your son, I simply mean it is a man standing straight to the camera and looking bored, and you have made no attempt to improve that with your photo.

    SK8 # 6



    I think you're on the right track with the angle, but for a portrait your subjects are too far apart, and you have a large amount of negative space in your image, especially between the two guys on the right. Also, its slightly out of focus.

    Happiness in KAMPUNG


    Really nice shot! I like the foreground rocks as I feel it lends the image some depth. I rated it 7/6, and i very rarely give 7's, I'm a picky guy. But this is a beautiful shot, congratulations.

    Big Fat Bee



    I really like the image, but the drop shadow border bothers me. I feel like it makes your beautiful shot look like a 90s postcard. Just my thoughts.




    Cool shot, I find the black edge interesting. I'm not sure how, but I feel its definitely doing something for the shot.





    I noticed many people had given this a poor rating (including myself) without saying anything, so I kind of felt like I should. I'm not sure what possessed you to put this up for critique? Surely you can't consider this one of your better shots... There is simply nothing here.

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