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Image Comments posted by wilkesmann

  1. hi,

    this is a really cool image, its not often i see shots that I would happily put on my wall, even really great ones, but this one I definitely would. I'm a bit curious about how ytou made it, how did the background come about?

    peace, Nick.

    trapani's salt



    just thought i would explain my low rating. I feel it looks a bit like a clumsy snapshot, as you have the horizon dead in the middle of the image, and the sun is also dead centre. It just doesnt seem like much creativity has been utilized.

    Peace, Nick.




    The action is good, but the background is very distracting, as is your copyright mark right over where we are supposed to be looking.

    Peace, Nick.

  2. Hi,

    I like this shot, but i think i would prefer to see some more of the foreground flowers in focus. The beautiful landscape competes for attention with the flower on the left, and ultimately your eye is led out of the frame...

    peace, nick.




    i think the reason for all the low ratings on this shot is because there is not really much to look at. Your main subject is not particularly interesting, overexposed, and shot from an ordinary angle.

    Peace, Nick.

  3. a nice image, but maybe a little intense for the type of subject matter? It's just personal preference of course, but I think I would like it better if you lowered the clarity a little.

    Peace, Nick.

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