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Image Comments posted by wilkesmann

  1. Hi,

    While they are beautiful, roses are actually one of the hardest thngs to photograph. The reason is that they are such a well covered subject that it is difficult to be creative, and unfortunately this shot is simply a front on shot in plain light. Just thought id justify my low rating.

    Peace, Nick.



    wow, thats beautiful. Congratulations. So often I find images in the flower category are quite boring as its difficult to be creative with such a well covered subject, but you have done it well.




    I really like the creativity of the shot, but a little unfortunate the bride seems to have two heads? Maybe you can clone it out or something, but i think it would be a much stronger image without the second head.

    Just my 2 cents,

    Peace, Nick

    a barrel full



    Thanks for your comments on some of my shots also :) I was going to write yesterday that this shot definately grew on me the more I looked at it, but decided just to mention my first reactions. I Think what sets it apart is that its quite clearly not a misfocus, as the focus on the plants is tack sharp. I can see why you put it up for critique, would love to know what other people think.



    I really like this shot. The lighting on the subject and the background are perfect, her placement in the frame is excellent, and I love the way the colours of her necklace really make it pop. congratulations!

  2. Hi,

    When you make a portrait, the person should always be the centre of attention. In this shot, attention has been taken away from your model by an overcomplicated background. There are all kinds of background lines coming out of her head, and a distracting reflection in the window next to her.

    You can avoid it by sticking to plain backgrounds, if theres not one available, then have her stand some distance away from everything around her and use a wide aperture(low number) to blur the backround.

    peace, Nick



    Haha! I love it! Thats the kind of shot id never think of making, wasnt sure what was going on until i read the title, perfect!


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