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Not Here

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Not Here

  1. Here are a few bugs/issues/hiccups, whatever you want to call them, that have been bounced around before and may be on the list somewhere above. I just haven't seen any fixes yet so I don't want them to get lost in the shuffle: Tracking comments - The addition of "Your Activity" was a step forward but any user will tell you that it only goes half way. I shouldn't have to rely on my email alerts to track comments and insure that one is not missed, but that is what I'm having to do now. The programmers seem to have sorted all comments on each image chronologically but not the images themselves; new comments can be buried within the image portfolio and impossible to find. All images with new comments should rise to the top of the page. A conditional sort can't be that hard to program on each image. Clock - Note that tracking anything chronologically is never going to happen if the clock isn't made accurate. Mine is still running GMT in spite of my selecting Central USA several times in preferences. What can I say that hasn't been said on other threads, the "back" button is an adventure. (Thanks for the "return to top of page" button though, it helps.) Sorting albums - Albums need the same sorting capability as the main Portfolio; or, if it's left to do manually, then it should be just that, manual, not random as it is now. Album location and sorting should match between My Portfolio and My Profile. Presently they do not. Thanks... Mike
  2. Zbigniew: A square? ;-) A unique paving. Good catch... Mike
  3. Zbigniew: An interesting and well captured street scene... Mike
  4. Dick: Now that looks like a perfect day.... Mike
  5. Not Here

    Checking for ID

    Greg: New kid on the block ;-). What are those spots on their heads? Looks like the bolts in Frankenstein's head... Mike
  6. Emmanuel: Another exquisite shot from this series. So elegant.... Mike
  7. Dick: Beautiful flower and the DOF works perfectly... Mike
  8. Not Here

    Le temps de l'amour

    Tm: Like the bird version of "Love Story". Beautiful shot... Mike
  9. Not Here


    Greg: Fantastic, one of your many bests. Up close and personal in the flower universe... Mike
  10. Not Here

    New rules

    Mona: Funny! An excellent candidate for memes... Mike
  11. Not Here

    Simple ?

    Mona: Excellent catch. It brings a big smile and perhaps the other leg should say "Why?" ;-)... Mike
  12. Not Here


    Mona: Excellent portrait. There's a mix of sweetness and loneliness here that's provoking... Mike
  13. Not Here

    First signs

    Radu: Beautiful shot... Mike
  14. Not Here

    A Band

    Zbigniew: I like the expressions, excellent catch. "The Pizza Rats", good name.... Mike
  15. Not Here

    People of the Boardwalk

    Holger: A distinct vintage feel to this shot, maybe the lack of phones helps arrive at that feeling. Well done... Mike
  16. Not Here


    John: Beautifully serene and excellent composition... Mike
  17. Zbigniew: Good catch and I vote with the lady in the poster ;-)... Mike
  18. Not Here

    a super time..

    Ahhh, everyone loves an Icee ;-).... Mike
  19. Ok, where is this new blood? I don't see the old blood on the photo side, much less new. If this so called new blood is what they want, just show up and click a "like" or "admire" button without discourse or any sense of community, then PNet is years behind the times. 500px is the place for that... Mike
  20. Not Here

    Dog Portrait

    Dave: Now that's a face to love. Fantastic portrait of this personable pooch... Mike
  21. Not Here


    From the thumbnail I knew that it had to be New Orleans. Good catch, I can hear the music from here... Mike
  22. Not Here


    Wes: A beautiful dog and excellent portrait. Welcome to PNet... Mike
  23. Not Here


    Katherine: Very elegant, a beautiful shot... Mike
  24. Not Here

    2017 March 2017 IMG 982

    Kathy: An icicle or an alien hand and arm? I've been reading science fiction lately ;-). Good shot... Mike
  25. Not Here


    John: Well worth the early rise, beautiful... Mike
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