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Image Comments posted by leecaudilljr

  1. This series beckons back to many captioned pinups that I've seen.

    She does have one devil of a problem, though I think I know how

    any of us would answer that question. The only preference I have is that the background

    might be a little light in color. Just a personal call though. Great job.



    There's something I've been wondering and figured this was as good a time as any to ask. I love this photograph. It's as much portrait as it is nude, a style that I think blends artistry and admiration for the beauty of the subject. In many examples though, the woman is wearing heels even if she is pictured relaxing at what would seem to be home. Why? Again, not being critical, just a curiosity.



    While I agree that the light off to the right is distracting, if this was staged you would never know. It looks to me as though she simply walked up and sat down for a rest, so what if she was scantially dressed. Wonder if the groups' reaction, or lack there of, would be different if she removed the rest of her clothes? A study in human nature? Nice shot.



    I have to agree. Way too many photographers these days depend on PS and other such software to get what other people term "perfection". The appeal of her body comes as much from its "imperfections" as it does from her lovely shape. A portion of society rants about retouching and the pressure that that puts on everyday women to live up to an unreal standard. As photographers, amateur and professional, it's up to us to sometimes just say enough.   Now I'll get off my soap box.

  2. While the "cleaned up" version above is nice, I think your original gives a more salt air and sand feeling to the portrait. I do think sometimes we all try to clean up stuff that should remain. I love the framing and her expression is wonderful. Great work.
  3. I love this photograph. I too would love to know if the sunbeam effect is natural or software enhanced. Wish we saw more models in their forties and fifties willing to do poses like this one. The world would be much better off if we weren't so hung up on youth and "perfection." Lovely model and a beautiful job.
  4. Sorry, I'm not familar with HDR. This was taken as two seperate photos and then combined in photoshop. I adjusted the opaqueness of the top photo until I got the ballance I wanted. Thanks for taking a look.

    Equals 9

    You're probably going to get some comments on lighting, but I like the way the numbers take center stage. I've never seen the math used this way before. Good shot.


    This has certainly gotten many emotional responses, just what every photographer strives for. Whether a striking landscape or a cute puppy, every good photo causes some sort of emotional response, no matter how profound or slight. Personally, I see nothing wrong with this portrait, I think because I see it as a portrait. Nearly anything can be turned into something that it wasn't intended to be. While a foot doctor would look at a photo of a woman's feet in heels and think of the damage that she's doing to her arches, someone with that certain fetish, might have a different reaction. Do we therefore, call such a photo porn? Good work.



    Beautiful job. Even more stunning after reading that it wasn't a planned shot.

    It shows a caring softness that one can only get with an emotional attachment.


    Young Hummingbird?

    Good shot. We have a few humming birds that have taken up residence some where close to our house and this one does seem small, even to humming bird standards. Very good photograph. I've not been successful at getting one this good. Ours usually come around when it's almost dark.



    I need some opinions on this. Does the back drop look too busy? I do have

    a couple more objects that I want to add. Could use some input. Thanks

    p.s. Yes, I wanted it to be a little dark.

    Native American

    Thanks for the comment. This is a resin casting that I picked up on a trip to Gatlinburg. I just saw it in a store there and thought it was nice. The detail is good considering it only stands about 5" tall. As for the background, it's a piece of fabric I found at Walmart. I bought several yards and probably spent around $20. Thanks again. If anyone can tell me if this has any real symbology or meaning, please let me know.


    I like the mix of objects, though I do have a couple of suggestions. Try the same shot with the fabric from the back-drop brought under the subjects. in doing so, you'll loose the sharp horizontal line. Second, if you have a soft box or some way to add some fill light, you'll eliminate the shadows on your background. I'd love to see the results.
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