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Image Comments posted by leecaudilljr

  1. Hey, Kat. I think it's very nice. You have a sharp focus on the architecture and something in the foreground to give it depth. Sometimes you just have to work with what your delt. I'm not sure that a bright blue sky wouldn't have pulled attention away from the building anyway. Good Job.
  2. This was taken using a circular polarizer. A new toy I got not long ago.

    The "eye shadow" pic was also taken using it. I can't wait for this summer.

    Would love to hear what ya'll think.



    Mike, I really like this shot. Her white top contrast well against the background and the pose is good. I do find my eye wanting to be drawn to the lady's red top in the lower left.

    What would it look like if you cropped just left of the tree trunk? Really nice portrait.

    Not Eyeshadow

    Cynthia, thanks for the comment. Believe it or not, this is the eye of a dairy cow. Not sure of the make/model. LOL I was very surprised to see the blue coloration. Thanks again.

    Cypress Snow

    Kristin, thanks for the comment and yes,it is East Coast. Graham, NC to be exact. The falling effect was done by slowing the shutter just based on ambient light and not worring about freezing the action. I took a look at your portfolio, and you have some nice work. Keep going.


    This is the second really good portrait of a woman who happens to be nude that I've come across today. Very attractive and warm. Nice composition. Good work.


    I have to admit that initally I wasn't sure about their placement in the photo. After letting my eyes wonder for a moment, I came to like it. The movement from their faces up the ivy, across to the light, and back to the wall cap they're sitting on is rather nice. Good eye.

    Song of Myself

    This is absolutely beautiful work. The stillness and blank look on her face makes for a wonderful portrait. The reflection in the glass pushes it over the top. Congrats.
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