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Image Comments posted by alberta_pizzolato

    H.K. Billboard


    How many people walked by and never saw what you saw. And captured so well.

    Lovely how Mother Nature cooperated with branches placed so artistically around those beautiful eyes.

    Cheers ~


  1. A beautiful composition, Leonid, photographed from an excellent point of view. And it has a "painterly" quality.

    Your camera and lens combination are excellent.

    I think, though, that something in the post-processing is a little off - a little too much. I see color banding that does not have to be there. I would process again.

    Still, a beautiful capture.

    Cheers ~


  2. Sorry, didn't see your post. Been so busy lately - paying off the new iMac :)

     Actually, I frequent red fire hydrants often as I collect the American Darlings, and can honestly say they're not. I know dogs don't' see color and can't read. But there's something about a red American Darling that keeps the dogs at bay. Very curious.

     I have found my next hydrant. Next sunny day, I'm there with camera. Stay tuned.

     Cheers ~


  3. Thanks. Kind words.

    The more I look at the top the more I realize why I processed it that way. It was shot that way. I was very low to the ground and the DOF is what it is. I suppose an untraditional skinny crop would fix it. OR another trip to the beach with the camera. Yay.

    Cheers ~

    Alberta (who is looking forward to that next great sketch :)

  4. Thank you for your critique. I worked hard on getting the shot right. White feathers in bright sunshine are always a challenge. I'm glad you find my efforts appealing.

    When I executed the B&W conversion, I did intentionally blur the upper area. After reading your comments, I think more focus there might benefit the photo overall, keeping the eye focused on the "stars" - the bird and the shadow. I'll give that a try.

    Thanks again.

    Cheers ~


  5. Sorry for the long delay in sending thanks.

    Cristal - I'm jealous. But inspired. Time to add a small but capable point-and-shoot to my collection. Good luck!

    Fred - you are a gifted photographer and a patient teacher who, with minimal keystrokes, explains the complexities of photography, art and human emotion and puts everything in perspective so that we can see a glimmer of truth and strive to present it. I can't imagine a day at Photo.net without you.

    Cheers ~


  6. Thank you gentlemen.

    Gordon - sorry - didn't see your comment until this morning. "Abandoning of scale" - hmmmm. I hadn't really thought of it in those terms when I cropped the image but I know (in retrospect) that's what I was doing. You do have a way with words. You make me aware that I need to pay attention to my actions so that I can successfully repeat them to other appropriate situations. And yes, B&W is the call. It's really quite distasteful in color.

    Amal - always a treat to have you visit. I've just visited your goose which, I think, has made a very long journey from Gordon's part of the world.

    Stay well -


    Caring Mom


    Great capture, Amal. And as others have stated, a daring and successful crop. 

    But this is a Canada goose. And you're in South India, right? Long way from home.

    Cheers ~


    Out the Window


    Oliver - thank you for your re-work. You are a genuine PN sport. And you did a good job too, I think. So captivating are those big eyes staring in wonder in the window reflection, the adorable baby fat hand and the golden locks that I can't see past them to critique any deeper. I'm there. This photo is a treasure. I feel like I was this little girl. There is no greater interaction with a photo.





    Welcome Michelle. I have many years of photographic experience and a fantastic Nikon D700. That said, this is a shot I would be proud to have taken. Not perfect, but what it lacks in technical precision it makes up for  with a color palette and soft blur that give it a "painterly" feel. Beautiful lighting, too.

    Great job!




    Lovely image. Great composition and a terrific bokeh. Just a bit too much of a green color cast for my taste. You can check that out by taking an eyedropper tool to the whitest part of a blossom.

    Nice job!



    Out the Window


    Jim & John - I agree with each of you.

    As presented, almost 2/3 of this image is black. There's information in that blackness that could easily be "resuscitated" with PP techniques. I clicked PhotoShop CS5's Image/Adjust/Shadows-Highlights and found beautiful details (to dwell on longer than 2 minutes) in this delightful child's hand and hair.

    Good job, Oliver. I would have taken it just a bit further.

  7. Beautiful, welcoming shot, Linda. I love the DOF, POV and slightly muted colors. I can feel myself walking down that sidewalk, merging into, being swallowed up by the local fabric of New Orleans. Great job!

    Sincerey ~


  8. Good eye, David. Well seen and captured. I'm certain that you really enjoyed peering into that hallway and coming upon this delightful scene. We do too. Thanks.

    Please forgive my OCD but Heaven is ever-so-slightly tilted downward to the right. 

    Sincerely ~


  9. Good eye, Pnina. I'm thinking that this photo, as you posted it, must be pretty much how you shot it. It has geometry, abstract art, religious undertones and a healing color palate. Can't ask for more. Great job!

    Peace ~


    H.K. Airport


    Back again, Gordon, to say that if I could erase my comment above I surely would. Your creation is beautiful, sophisticated and captivating - as is.

    Further, I am going to make a concerted effort not to try and re-decorate the world. Not my job. 

    I'd ask our PN helpers to help me delete the comment but . . .

    Peace ~


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