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Image Comments posted by alberta_pizzolato

    Summer portrait


    Martin - I don't believe this is a stock photo. I did not find it on any of the sites at which Stasys markets his stock photos. I think this and several other portraits are part of a personal collection. And if we can think, for a moment, that they are personal and see that several are of the same woman, then I think it's easy to come to the conclusion that this woman means something to him. My guess is a relative. I want to think so. It then explains the intimacy of the wonderful expressions on her face in his various photos of her. Stock photos don't capture intimacy. At least not the ones I'm familiar with.

  1. Hello Alan:


    Love the the abstract nature of the inside of this blossom that you've captured. The lighting lends an air of mystery to it and the colors are divine.


    I want to rotate it. Can't explain why. So I did. And then I had to see it in B&W. So I converted it. What I got isn't your vision at all but just shows what you can do with an interesting abstract such as yours. I hope you'll forgive me for "playing" with your work, which is very unique.


    Cheers ~



    Summer portrait


    I am nothing if not persistent. I've sent another message to the photographer, this time via a stock photo company he works with. And in all the time I've spent trying to find him, I've bumped into this Photo of the Week repeatedly and now respect and admire what he's done.

    He's posted another of this woman that I also like:


    The title is "ЛЕТО" which means Summer, I believe in Russian or Lithuanian.

    No Peeking


    Sorry to burst your balloon but women are overrated, definitely not worth dying for. We're hormonal creatures most often unable to communicate what we feel, need or want probably because we can't figure ourselves out. And we try to do all that while putting on mascara, texting and driving a car. Just sayin'


    Cheers ~



  2. Thanks. I put my heart and soul into all the graphics I create. Rejection is hard. Part of life.


    As for O mio babbino - interesting bit of language trivia. Babbino isn't much used in the Italian I'm familiar with. It means daddy. But I never heard that word growing up in a native Italian household. As for the aria, lovely - I agree. I saw the first starring role of a chorus member of the Metropolitan Opera sing it in 1975 (I lived in NYC from birth to age 27). Can still get goose bumps.


    But absolute favorite female sung aria - has to be from Carmen - L'Amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle. And I think Carmen was my best opera graphics work as well.


    Till next time ~





  3. Thanks for your comments. Always.


    I first noticed a "Darling" while visiting the Florida Keys in 2008. I can't say I go on Darling hunts but when I find one, I will add it to my collection.


    The company has been around since the early 1900's. You an read some history here:http://www.firehydrant.org/pictures/american_darling.html


    There are so many different types of hydrants, so many different names. But Darling is just so darned cute for a fire hydrant. I can't resist.


    Cheers ~






  4. This is a great photo that cannot be appreciated in the small PN view and won't fit on my 27" monitor when viewed larger. So the answer is to provide a larger view that will fit on a standard monitor. I was, of course, able to click my Command minus keys to shrink the large view presentation. And then I saw the beauty. Of the architecture, captured at just the right angle. Of the railroad line, adding a preface to the story. Of the lighting, which is just brilliant. Especially the shadow cast on the uppermost red structure. I think a movie could be scripted about this photo. 


    I never would have found this wonderful work had it not been for the very welcome message you sent. Thanks for that!


    And last but not least, the name is Italian but the eyes are Polish.


    Still in St. Pete, for just a while ~




    I like the irony of a B&W presentation given the business's name. But I find the tonality too bland to effectively communicate it.


    If you post process, I would darken the letters in the last word a bit and try a good conversion filter (I use NIK Silver Efex 2) or play with the curves. A grungy frame might help too.


    Good eye. This is something I definitely would have captured if I were walking by.


    Cheers ~



  5. Thank you so much. Clever is good :)


    This fire hydrant was manufactured by a company called American Darling. That's what's written on the side, in an arc. I look for these all over Florida to add to my photo collection. They're not easy to find. 


    Penso che è affascinante avere un pezzo di equipaggiamento che si chiama tesoro. A Google translation - I hope it's accurate.



    Cheers ~



    A new life


    I can honestly say I've never seen wedding photo like this before. It's mesmerizing. And it makes us all want to know more, especially about the location. I see a drape pulled back and as another poster mentioned, engraving on the floor. Where are they? Wherever. Great job!


    Cheers ~





    Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated. As I explained to Pnina (comment just above this one) this bird is just ruffling his feathers. Didn't go anywhere.


    Cheers ~





    Thanks for your kind words. As I previously mentioned, all this lovely bird did was ruffle his feathers. This is neither take-off or landing. He stayed in the branch for quite a long time. But I lost the sun and this was the best of at least 10 shots I took.


    Looking forward to more from you. I miss my involvement with our opera company and get my fill of live performance photography from your galleries.


    Cheers ~


  6. Huge opera fan. I no longer work for the local opera company and they, in fact, did not approve this graphic. I loved it. Suits the story to a T. They instead licensed a cheesy stock art photo of a gambler with a cigar in his mouth. Puccini turned over in his grave.


    Of all Puccini's truly great works, I would not include this one. Turandot either. But I'll be attending a performance of Turandot in Sarasota next season. There's one brilliant area, it's a great opera house not too far from home and I just love opera.


    See you there?


    Cheers ~


  7. Ah, but I'm a specialist. I only shoot the reclusive American Darling hydrants. Just added a new one shot in downtown St. Pete. And I found yet another to photograph, hopefully after some rain, this weekend.


    Now if only I could find a blue and silver Darling, like your lovely shot.


    Just another great way to pass some time.


    Cheers ~





    Summer portrait


    I sent a message to the photographer via Facebook that his work was selected for discussion and that his input on its making would be greatly appreciated. Hope he responds.



    Usually, I prefer my blur in the background. But here, you've done such a fine job capturing the entire story in the woman's eyes, i perfect focus,  that it works like a charm. The lovely red fan makes a fine contribution. Great job! Most interesting shot.


    Cheers ~



    Summer portrait


    Personally, this photo does little for me. I do like her cheekbones but that's not anything that the photographer is responsible for. Whether you call it yellow, sepia, red, orange or any mix of colors at that end of the spectrum, I find them unflattering in the portrayal of a pretty woman. I do get a 70's feel from this shot and I believe (but can't prove and will probably never know) this might be a scan of a film shot. Scans do that.

    Stasys hasn't posted anything on this site since 2008 so I did some research elsewhere. He seems to be rather successful at stock photography and has received special thanks for 3 episodes of South Park (doesn't say how he contributed.)

    He's not known for portraits.

    Of the 7 images in his PN portfolio, I would say the color is decidedly off in all but one - a crisp and clever B&W photo of a woman holding up - well, just go look at it. Green sand on three, orange women (probably also scans of film prints) in two others that have the same look and feel as this one). I believe it's the same woman in all 4 photos.

    I'm 100% certain it isn't my monitor that needs calibration. I had my new 27" iMac professionally calibrated. So unless PN is doing something . . .

    Stasys, if you're out there, what's the backstory on this one?

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