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various things

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Image Comments posted by various things


    colours, contrast and sharpness. But the motive itself is not very exciting, deepness missing. Maybe you could reshot it with something in the foreground, a lamp post for instance? And I would remove the antenna or whatever that is on the roof.


    What helps a lot to reduce the harsh shadows is a sunbouncer and/or a fill-flash. As for the framing: not nice that you cut of parts of her lower limbs. As for the posing: I think it would be better if she knees instead of sitting so 'flat'.

    Old town

    old town, is it the rebuild one in Warsaw? As for the photo: nice, even if a little bit to much tonemapping or so done for my personal taste. Very interesting portfolio, yours!

    El Corral 3.0


    the photo is physically divided in just two parts, almost in the middle by the horizon, but optically there are three, each having similar 'weight'. Cattle, landscape, high sky.


    Very interesting, 6/6


    who David Hamilton is. And no idea either, what that yellowish stuff on the right side, bottom half of the photo is, but I have the sincere idea that this stuff does not improve the -very nice- portrait.

    Lori 1


    and think that this is one lady I would not want to mess with ;)


    As for the photo: the harsh shadows in her face are not to my liking. A sunbouncer or so would IMO help a lot. And, I am not at all experienced in this field of photography, but I believe, if you have a model like this one with perfect body definition, a serious dose of softening filters to the muscular areas (and in this case: to the elbow) would improve the overall impression. For me, that is.

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