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various things

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Image Comments posted by various things



    is extremely hard to beat as far as originality is concerned! As for the aesthetics: beauty lies in the eye of the beholder... Anyway, for me that one would deserve to become a picture of the week.



    Macchie di sole

    a very nice one, Rita. I do not know what 'Macchie di sole' means, but I like the strong geometric composition (except the clouds...) and the light. And the texture of the sea.


    would IMO even be better, if there would not be just some sky above the mountain top, but also the rock on the bottom left corner would be much more dominant. UW lens and a standpoint very close to the rock could do that? But, anyway: a very nice shot!


    I think it would be even better if the bridge wouldn't end in nowhere on the right. If you do not have a wide enough lense to capture that in one shot, stitch two together. What do you think?


    surreal tune of this shot is just great. I assume that a lot of retouching work was done, and the result justifies the effort. Very rarely I rate 7/7, this one deserves it.


    the colours and the geometrics. The framing/composition, however, is not that excellent - the building is horizontally cut about 1,5m above streetlevel. Why is that?


    like it. The composition especially. Unlike a lot of other landscape shots this one has a foreground, and a line along which the eye can travel into to distance. Nice!


    for is that seal on top of the glas? To prevent people from drinking the Guiness? Good idea! And I agree with the skeptic expression of the cat. The stuff tastes awful ;)
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