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john gettis

PhotoNet Pro
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Posts posted by john gettis

  1. i bought the 400 kit but have not had the modeling lights burn out yet. I have done some reseach on replacing them as I too thought the $26 was high. I bought some 150 watt quartz lights at a discount store but the size was a little large. Here are some links to some lights I "think" will work but beware as I have not tried them yeat myself



    Here is a thread on the Photography on the net forum


    Hope this helps John

  2. I used to have a 200b and the 2q umbrella reflectors I made a cord with a dimmer switch in it to plug the modeling light into a ac outlet but never thought about running the modeling light off the battery pack. One place you might want to call to see if it can be done is Holly Enterprises in Califonia they do not have a website as near as I can figure but here is their 800 # 800-988-7111. Hope this helps John
  3. I would pose this question to other places such as the forums on backpacker.com http://www.backpacker.com/community/

    or check out the resources on this site http://www.pcta.org/index.asp

    Much like Stefan I would consider my om-1n as the only thing that it needs the battery for is the light meter. I give the advice of people who have finished the trail the most weight. I am not one of those but would have liked to have done the trail when I was younger. From reading several journals over the years the less extra stuff you carry the more likely you will finish. Good luck and please post the photos you take along the way when you can hope this helps John

  4. You might want to consider going to a studio strobe set up with just one or two lights and use the 580 and 430 as hair and backgound lights. for some ideas go to calumets website and do a search for Genesis lights. Just a suggestion John
  5. Best bet is probably to order it from B&H or Adorama. I would get a couple as they tend to be the weak link, When I did weddings I used paramount cords and still had failures so I carried mutiply backups. I seem to remember being able to send them back and they would fix them for me suspect they were cutting out the bad section as they came back shorter. Cannot find anything on the warranty period now but still think they make the best sync cords. As to the sync voltage on the 285hv its probably lower then you think but check it with a volt-ohm meter. I don't have the 16 channel flash trigger but the 4 channel one and while it works it is not reliable enough that I would trust it on a paid shoot but works for what I do. John Hope this helps
  6. I don't use many SD cards at the moment but do use compact flash cards. I try to remember to reformat my cards about every third use or so. I only use the camera to erase photos on card never the computer. I also go through all cards and reformat them before an important shoot (wedding). If I was using the same card in two devices I would format it in the device I was using it in before use. Just my 2 cents worth John
  7. A question first where was the sun if you were shooting into it the haze could be a result of that. I have a zoom lense for my olympus that does not do well shooting into the sun. John
  8. I ran into this problem when I thought I was going to need to shoot a wedding not so long ago. After emailing the olympus mailing list and testing my 285s with a Volt Ohm meter I dicided that it was not a problem. Non of mine tested as high as 12 volts. Hope this helps John
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