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Everything posted by eddy_d

  1. Second Sunday Camera show Sunday November 11. 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  2. I have gotten this from very old 620 film in my Brownie but actually like it.
  3. Second Sunday Camera show Sunday October 14th. 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  4. It used to be here , in the states, many years ago,. I saw it sold in CVs and stores likethat. It disappeared a long time ago.
  5. Second sunday Camera show Sunday September 9th. 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  6. Hey Ed. There isn't an email but if you make the next show they have a mailing list you can sign up for.
  7. Second sunday Camera show Sunday August 12, . 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  8. I just found out about labs in NY that process slides so i Just may go there. I hear the wait time is 3 hours on the one lab. The reason I heard of kodaks problems was because they hired someione who worked at HP and he wanted to focus on printers instead of film. True or not. I don't know.
  9. Bandh carries 620 film. And so does the film photography project. 620 film | B&H Photo Video I don't respool 120 onto 620 rolls. Thay wopuld just be a pain and have to do it in the dark. Just cut the edges off of the 120 rolls. Fits perfectly.
  10. There used to be a lab I went to that would put your digital images on film and then develop it. I am not sure how they did it though.
  11. Second sunday Camera show Sunday July 8. 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  12. I have many rolls of expired cold stored slide film. I like natural occurances and the lab does not color correct my film by request. I will have them crop and take out scratches and dust when I have enlargements made for art shows.
  13. They just came out with a new camera. It is pricey though. Over $100.
  14. Because I like the color shifts and wonky colors. And there are no labs close to me to get it processed as a slide and it is probably cheaper cross processing it as well.
  15. I have many rolls of different types of slide film, expired and some discontined, but I always cross process it.
  16. Second sunday Camera show Sunday June 10. 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  17. Why not bash people who paint with paints, brushes, canvases, etc... when they can make digital paintings on the computer? Maybe traditional painting is a step back. If you do not like film then why in a film forum? Too each their own. Hipsters are part of the market. The lab I go to, much film is purchased and processed. And they still teach it in most colleges I know of. The Film Photographyproject podacst is known all over the world and it is nothing but a film podcast. So many more people are shooting film then you think.
  18. I saw this on a facebook group I am in. Kelly-Shane Fuller
  19. Second Sunday Camera show. (Actually the first Sunday due to Mother's day being the 2nd Sunday.) May 6 , 2018 Hilton Hotel 650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights. NJ 07604. 9:00 A.M.- 2:00P.M. $7 admission
  20. ultrafine extreme. Buy it directly from here. Ultrafine Xtreme Black & White Film - Traditional Black-and-White Films
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