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Posts posted by megan_griffith

  1. <p>hello i am going to be shooting a wedding for the first time it is going to be a small wedding in a backyard in the daytime, i will be shooting b&w film(that i have done all the zone system testing on) , i have a cannon ae-1 with a 28mm , 50mm and 80-200 zoom and a sekonic l-558 r spot meter. i am a photo major and have been taking classes at santa monica college for 2 years and i am confident i can do a good job, it is for my boyfriends dad, i have shot him before and he is a perfact subject ( an actor) they asked me to shoot it pretty late notice and i havent been able to get a hold of them to make a shot list. i was planning on taking the formal portraits with my 80-200 as well as my 28(on a tripod of coarse) and use the 80-200 lens for the ceremony,& then use my 28mm for some photojounalistic portraits at the reception(if there is one)do you guys thimk this is a good approach i have been doing alot of research (thank you photo.net!)also they are an older couple any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thanks for taking the time to read this i really appreciate it, megan</p>
  2. hello, thanks for your reply when i said the positive looks "good",i ment there was detail in my highlights and shadow areas, they are not contrasty,but they are very low key. my positive did look like a print, should i print the positive lighter than i would a print,then make the negative, and then just give it more time when i contact print the actuall image??(i am making van dykes & cyanotypes)thanks for your reply!megan
  3. hello,i have been making enlargements of my 35mm negs with arista litho film

    for my alternative processing class, the positives come out good, but the negs

    come out really dense, also in my positives i like to print them dark & moody

    (but still with full detail) i have been burning in the sky and i can achieve

    this in the positive but i loose the sky in the negs and they come out real

    dense, i have been using my devoloper(accurate custom blend) 1:5, and normal

    stop and fixer,my instructor didnt show up to class last week and i was hoping

    to make more negs over my spring break, does anyone have any suggestions or

    helpfull info on this process???i really would really appreciate it, thanks

    for taking the time to read this,megan

  4. hello, i dont know if this is the correct forum to post my question but here

    it goes; i am currently workiing on a series of the pch @ night and i have

    been experimenting with long expousers (i shoot b&w film and use a spot

    meter/zone system) but i feel like its mostly hit & miss.does any one have any

    suggestions for metering night scenes, or does any one know any good books on

    night photography???thanks for your time i really appreciate it,megan

  5. hello, i am a photo major at santa monica college,california...i am currently

    taking a photojournalism class and one of my assignment is to interview a

    photojournalist.....i am not having any luck finding someone to

    interview...can anyone help????i would greatly appreciate your help!! if so

    hear are the questions: 1) who are you 2)who have you

    worked for 3)where have you worked 4)how long have you been in the

    buisness 5)what have you accomplished 6)what motivates you as a

    photographer 7)what kind of education helped you 8)when and what was your

    favorite assignment or most important work 9)where do you see photojournalism

    going in the future 10)what advise would you give to a young


  6. hello i already have a darkroom,but my enlarger will only print up to 6x6, my

    friend gave me her old rusty automega b-5 (this prints 4x5????)there is a tear

    in the bellows, no negitive carrier or light bulb.....is there hope?????i am a

    photo major and i would like to be able to print at home for the next class i

    have to take (commercial photography techniques)i am kinda scared that this

    class might discorage me- it's studio techniques w/ a 4x5 camera, and i always

    see people really bummed out in the school lab/studio who are taking this

    class,i ask them if it's that bad and they all say yes, i have taken another

    studio class (portrait)and i loved it, this one used medium format wich was

    new to me and i had fun learning how to use it..the instructors are really

    good,but i am just scarred i'll get discorraged .. i love photography and i

    want to learn all they have to teach me(@ smc)i'm working on my aa degree but

    i dont want to burn myself out ,,,i really got off the subject....any


  7. hello, about there being no 120 film where you live have you herd of freestyle(just google them)you could order anything photo related on-line and there super cheap, they probably even do processing. i have a darkroom at home if you shoot black & white i can process your film for next to nothing-e-mail me back if your interested. but deffinitely check out the freestlye website they have lots of holga stuff
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