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Image Comments posted by gordonholman


    It is pretty cool how the reflective ski blends in with the real ski. Oh yes, Michigan Avenue! I live 60 miles south of Chicago and would never live there but love to go take pictures there at night? Well done!
  1. Giorgi You have the makings of a great photographer,but i have noticed a few of your shots in your port. are a bit harsh on the light? please consider using a defuser over your subjects when needed in harsh sun light, I no it is hard to do on some wild life and they are more active in the heat of the day, But for most you have a great portfollio!
  2. Paul, I don't mean to be an ass but man as for me being a national associate of photoshop professionals, I have seen the works of allot of professionals and they wouldn't even consider putting a shot of a woman with skin tones to noisey, Had this picture of the woman had benn well exposed before dropping her in this, This would have had great potentual? Your rating on this piece are a result of it?

    Angel's Trumpet,


    Don't eat this one, Angel's Trumpet will KILL YOU!!! It has a

    substance in it called Atropine, A classified deliriant , And a

    hallucinogen, Bad ass plant!

  3. I believe this is a button flower from the buttonbush, they are wide spread across the country, found in swamps and along drowned margins of ponds and streams, very fragrant and attracts allot of insects to feast on its rich nector, I have one in my portfolio but a different gender, check it out. i have never seen a red one , cool capture!
  4. I came across this picture in your port. and thought I would like to tell you This is what I do for a living, I must say this man building this scaffolding is not to safe and here in Illinois ossha would fine the hell out of this company? this scaffold is called cup lock, and what is keeping this man from falling off this scaffold?
  5. nice capture, but technically the noise is too great and shadow and detail is blown out, You must seek to get great detail in the feathers and especially the head of the bald eagle. Just some words of advice? but love the crop and the two birds together, Interesting.


    Very nice shot, You have captured the man playing the violin very well wile keeping our eyes focused nicely on him and not the rest of the busy back ground.
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