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Image Comments posted by stefanoanghileri

    Rays of light

    Hi Alin, I see your point. Probably in the example you overdid it a bit (white borders around outlines), but it was OK to give me an idea. Soon I will post a new version of the same image applying the advices I received from you. Thanks a lot for participating.
  1. Hi Jason and thank you. To take this I was on a road actually closed for avalanches danger after a snowfall. I was having a walk there because I imagined the clouds' limit was quite low and... and I felt something amazing could go on (this happens quite often to me). From this road you can look down on my hometown (Lecco), part of Como lake and some mountains close (expecially M. Melma, M. Moregallo and M. Barro). Obviously here you can't see much of this because there are clouds. Thanks for appreciating.
  2. Hi Erik, truly an amazing image. I expecially like the contrast between the rationality of man and the spontaneity of nature (see the lines, but also the colours). All is merged with a beautiful blue sky and the reflections of colours in the water. Very well done, my favourite photo by you.
  3. Thanks Erik for commenting! I used the tripod to take the original shot and then I edited it later with a software. If you click on "details", you will find that this image is manipulated. Thanks again for taking the time to comment

    The eye catcher

    Thank you very much Erik for your kind words. We photographers are all striving hard to take the great shot, most of the times in very complicated and unusual light conditions, to achieve that particular atmosphere. This sometimes makes us forget nature in all its simple beauty. I didn't do anything particular to capture this flower: I saw it, it was there, it was almost noon but the shades were perfect, it had just rained, nobody was around, I took my photo. I could have even taken it with the auto mode with not very different outcomes.
  4. Thank you very much! Yes, I'm in love with larches in Fall. Waiting for the best light on the peak of that mountain for 3 hours with -3?C/26F and windy has been a thing I would like to repeat if these are the outcomes!
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