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Image Comments posted by stefanoanghileri

  1. Thanks. Actually I was only 2500ft high, walking on a road. The clouds' limit was very low, at about 1000ft of altitude, just about 400ft more than the ground. Low clouds are quite normal in my area expecially after snowfalls and rainfalls.

    What a Nice Day

    I like this photo a lot, expecially for the white link between clouds and the snow patches. Then the colour of the lake really adds to "interestingness". Amazing use of line and composition. I only would have liked to see the lake bigger, but from that position it was obviously impossible.

    Rays of light


    Thanks to everyone for the feedback.


    To Patrick: yes, I was a bit doubtful too about the framing and the title. Probably I overdid it.


    To Cherlyn: It was absolutely an incredible view. The colours came out in a minute as the sun had been hidden in the clouds for some hours. When I saw this I almost fainted!


    Per Daniele: Grazie! Sto mettendo su le mie foto preferite di quelle che ho scattato da quando ho comprato la mia prima macchina digitale (luglio 2004). Ne ho circa 2000 sull'hard disk, ma questo non significa che le mettero' su tutte! Il tuo e l'apprezzamento degli amici di photo.net mi riempie di orgoglio e anche un pizzico di stupore. Grazie.

    Per quanto riguarda la riga e il titolo, come ho gia' detto a Patrick, credo voi abbiate ragione. Questa volta ho esagerato... anche con gli spessori. Probabilmente carichero' ancora la stessa foto senza alcuna cornice.


    What's more changeable than clouds? One moment the view was like this,5 seconds after it was completely another thing.


    Thanks for commenting



    Hi thank you for asking my opinion on this subject. I like this photo a lot, expecially the colours, but also the mood. I think it could be improved by cropping. What about this version?

  2. Thanks for the comments and for appreciating my photo :o)


    Per Daniele: credo tu abbia posto l'attenzione su un particolare importante. Purtroppo non eravamo i primi ad aver raggiunto quel punto scenografico.

    Se sei pratico di quell'area, la zona inquadrata e' il ramo comasco del Lago di Como e la penisola al centro e' l'Isola Comacina. Como e' in fondo al "canyon".


    To Greg: thanks for the comment, I see what you mean. Methinks that framing the whole shade, the main subject would have been too far and small losing his importance. Anyway you are correct, probably if I had taken this shot earlier in the afternoon, with shorter shades I could have both given importance to the main subject and framed the shade which is an important element of the picture. Thanks again for your illuminating words.

    Tschierva glacier

    Thank you all for the feedback :)


    To Bryan: yes, it's really a pity. At the moment many are withdrawing 20 metres (65ft) per year. If you consider that the current average lenght of alpine glaciers is about 300 metres (almost 1000ft) you can count how many years are still left. This is a calculus to be taken just "to have an idea" as it doesn't consider mnay many factors which could make the life of many glaciers probably a bit longer.


    Per Daniele: grazie per le parole di commento spese. Quello che mi piace di questo ghiacciaio rispetto a molti altri e' la sua "didatticita'". Se tu leggi libri di glaciologia e vedi una foto di questo ghiacciaio, ritrovi tutti i punti fondamentali. Inoltre trovo che la forma ad "S" della lingua sia molto fotogenica.


    To Greg: a photo taken at sunset or at dawn of this glacier would have not been a good one, because you would have lost in the shade most part of the ice tongue.
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