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Image Comments posted by joekonz

  1. Yeah, this shouts "fun," and it made me smile, which I think should say all you need to know about whether you succeeded, Ela. Neat idea (I've seen similar things like this before, but I still enjoy it when photographers find new ways to use it!). The silhouette approach, the solar reflection on the water and beautiful sea wakes add a touch of style and grace to it. I like it!

    midnight blue

    Unusually vivid blue here. It caught my eye in the photo critique gallery, so I had to stop and have a look. Sharp droplets caught here, too. Glad to see you got this with a Rebel; I still have my first-generation film and digital Rebels!


    Beautiful capture, and I love the detail you can see in the lines on the petals. But hey ... what's the odd-colored thing in the upper right right corner? (just kidding)


    I love magnolias, and wish I had a bush in my yard. You've grabbed a very interesting look at this, Julius, and I appreciate it.


    It's been interesting reading what different people are drawn to. For me, it was the huge, vivid carrots in the middle and the interesting formation and varied lighting displayed on the grapes on the right. I do agree that the apples are interesting, too. I like the assemblage concept for this picture as you've captured it Julius, but I think you'd also have some interesting results with some isolated "looks" at several of thes items on display.


    I'm not ordinarily a big fan of animal shots, but I had to stop by and check this one out. I do love it. Especially the choice of angle, which adds prominence and credibility to the lordship pose. The foreground shapes (whatever they are)-- being in that burgundy color -- seem to amplify the regal look to this. Very nice!


    I like the composition, from the position of the subject in the frame and her apparent interest in the book through the wonderful DOF. The woman's left hand makes for an interesting side attraction; it's as if she were conveying her interest through those digits.
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