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Image Comments posted by joekonz


    Very interesting cloud textures and color combos. The silhouetted tree and its graceful branches -- beautifully positioned in the frame, I might add -- present a wonderful, artful touch to it all.


    What a beautiful image this is, Emily, from the darling expression, to the somewhat soft focus, to the judicious lighting. It appears you caught an ideal spot on a shady fringe to catch the backlight as a hair highlight. Nice idea! I love the hands position, too.
  1. Dave, firstly, thanks so much for the background you shared ... and the camera setting details. And, too, thanks for acknowledging that there was enhancement involved. I found it remarkable that you could get this much nice natural light at 6 a.m. ... and on an overcast day! Secondly, I wasn't exactly clear on your concern, so I will say simply that I do like this image. I've never been to Yellowstone, but this certainly does nothing to make me think it would be a futile trip if I ever were fortunate to make it there. I'd love to appreciate a vista like this in person some day and to come even close to being able to capture it photographically as nicely as you have.
  2. First, thank you very much for the background story of this image. I truly appreciated it. Second, I salute another gripping image. It's exciting what this dramatic side lighting will do for just the mood you're trying to capture, no? And, finally, third ... beautiful.
  3. Strange ... the system gave me no option to view any larger, Tony. But regardless, this had to be a wonderful spectacle to behold, much less record on image. The orange/bronze colors at top and bottom provide an ideal border for your presentation. The texture and hue variation add drama and enhance the arstistic touch.


    Elegant and awesome presentation, Andrea. I like the ying yang lighting and shadow effect you captured here. The splash of foliage is a nice touch. Way to go!

    Lily-blue light

    I truly enjoyed the results when I blue-toned a white tulip, so I appreciate this approach on this lily. Such a striking presence ... and certainly eye-grabbing!

    Corner Rose

    White is such a tricky color to photograph in florals ... so easy to wash out, and so hard to contrast properly. You've made the core of this bloom appear so vivid, Christine. I salute the capture!


    I do like this color scheme ... very striking presentation. Daisies? Zinias? Interesting how your DOF treated the background floras, eh? :-)

    spike I

    Brent re your previous note to me about this shot ... I see what you mean. I don't know how I missed this in my first pass-through of your gallery! You know, I ordinarily don't care for color highlighting on an otherwise b/w image, but I do like this. I understand how that spike probably would not get the immediate viewer's eye in a full-color image, even though I think you have it properly positioned/cropped to make that clear. So it's not as if you HAD to color it; it's more of a subject texture highlight (and the rust medley we see is marvelous), or "selective desaturization" I believe is what you called it, than a "let me help you find the subject" aid. Now back to this composition ... excellent contrast and DOF, and a simply wonderful composition. I really like it.


    Thanks for the detail on how you caught this. Look like it was within a second or so of the weapon contact. Glad you had luck with the servo setting; I've tried it a couple times, and it hasn't done what I expected it to do.


    Another cool rail track shot! I like that you see enough afore and after the squirrely spike to get an idea that this piece of metal just ain't behavin' right. I understand what J. Knight said about putting it off center, and I suppose it could have been a bit better if there had been more track above or below (not sure adding room to the right would have added much). But I think you have a good case for framing it the way you did, and the vertical presentation helps support that, I think.


    I'm one of those who's fond of rail track concepts, so I enjoyed this shot, Brent. And even with the hint of grain, with the rustic nature of the railroad industry, I don't think that works against you at all in this image. I like what you've done here -- the framing, the DOF and how the light source found a way to make the tops of the metal shine just right for you.
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