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Image Comments posted by joekonz

    Santa Fe 1.2

    I like the linear study and how the two oranges (or is the darker one really red?) and blues serve a dual role -- color contrast and stunning geometry. I like how the the bright orange/red plays a more significant role in this frame than the other you posted tonight. Great composition!

    point of view

    Artful, thought-provoking, mood-setting, picturesque ... the water tapestry resembles a painter's stroke, and the leaves add such a beautiful touch. Very nice capture, Simona.


    Love the illumination contrast you composed here, Barbara. The skyscape is a spectacle, for sure. Juxtaposing it with the darkened foreground is an artist's touch. Very nice.

    Autumn Dream

    Everyone has touched on many of the impressions I had when I laid on eyes on this, so I won't play the redundancy card. I will say it moved me, and I think you hit on a great title for the mood you were going for here.

    Liquid Lily


    It's a still-life water color ... of a now late afternoon.


    With apologies to Paul Simon, but certainly no disrepect to you, Tony, this is absolutely splendid.

  1. Spectacular catch, Tony. I love this horizontal version, much more so than the vertical. In my opinion, the breadth of your subject tapestry ... and how it is exponentially amplified by the expansive development of color and lighting patterns and, consequently, image dynamics ... does this scene a stronger justice than does the 50-50 version.


    Amazing sharpness and details. The green foliage around the bloom makes me feel elegance and grace. I wonder how much more dynamic this would be without the vertical stem on the right. Regardless, it's a nice silencer to bashers of the kit lenses, for sure. You CAN get great pictures with it!


    Andrea, another salute to a splendid capture! As others noted, this is sharp, colorfully pleasing and ... with the bee being upside down ... a novelty to admire to boot. Well done.


    Fascinating crop and perspective. I had to click on the photo and look at it more closely to fix in on what exactly I was looking at, but I do find this view interesting.


    Interesting contrast in blues here ... in the same sky? I do like the darker background on top best and was trying to imagine how dynamic it would be with just that portion dominating the majority of the frame ... i.e., a horizontal crop just below where the main trunk appears on the right, leaving just a hint of white amid the dark blue. Regardless, great eye for spotting this op.
  2. I can't imagine this was very easy to compose. I hope the facial expression is one of joy, and not fright! Very neat idea for what appears to be a self-portrait. Awesome vista ... and rare to get this kind of cloud perspective.
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