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Image Comments posted by joekonz


    Kudos. The water sheen and orange leaves dwarfing the gazebo would make this a very strong capture by itself, but I think the rich reds on the left made it powerful.

    Winter morning...

    In addition to the aesthetically appealing mood, including the tree shadows and natural frost veneer, I appreciate the contrasts between dark foreground and bright background. Gives a feel of hope on the horizon ...


    Wonderful combination of hues, highlights and natural textures. The splash-patterned clouds are a neat capture. I needed a boost of warmth this morning, and this helped!
  1. The wonderful creativty and artistry is such that at first I thought I was looking at brushstrokes, not pixels. I do mean that in a very good way, as I love paintings as much as I do photography. Great effect here.

    zip it :-))

    A certain song by the 80s new wave band Devo occurred to me when I saw your title, and the bright red color here (remember Devo's bright red cone caps?) did nothing to rid the thought quickly. Ah, but seriously ... I smiled when I saw this. I like it.


    There's a strong complementery feel about this that I like a lot. The contrast (or balance) --- bright yellow against subdued reds, taller yellows and shorter reds. And then the variagated lighting on the reds, which seem to serve as a sort of buffer for the yellows. I looked at this a long time to enjoy it, which is a good thing.


    Thanks for the explanation. I think if I would have use the enlargement option, I would have been able to make out the cows. I didn't think of doing that until after I'd sent my remarks. It seems so many people on PN upload already-resized/reduced copies of their images that, when I pulled up this one, I just didn't think to look for it. But I do think the effect you went for is interesting. It certainly creates a mood. And the crop is very good to effect it.
  2. Also love the lighting effect, esp. the highlights on the perimeter of his face and full-highlight of her forehead. My first thought -- before reading Therese's comment -- was that the hand blocking the woman's lower face added an element of mystery to the image.
  3. The sharp red against the brilliant white snow makes for an eye-catcher. I understand William's thought about the thirds concept, but in this case, I like the idea about leaving in the twig as a kind of prop for the bird's nest-building hunt (I suppose it would have worked better if the cardinal were actually facing the twig, as if to be actually going after it, but perhaps the bird actually was in the process of rejecting it?). And since the cardinal is facing left, I understand leaving some "room" on that side as well.


    I like the composition, the starkness. I also like the two-level contrast -- white/gray sky enveloping the dark, stripped tree branches and grassy foreground. I couldn't help but wonder what the figures were on either side of the bottom of the tree trunk, by the ground, and got to further wondering if that was the intent. Also ... is this the original image, i.e., no photoshop work? It comes off almost as a backlighting/silhouette thing, but since you can make out some detail in the grass in the foreground, I don't think it was.
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