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Image Comments posted by sfdgs


    I've been here at least 10 times to look at this image, and I still don't know what else I could say that everyone else hasn't said. The composition, the colors, and the light are all perfect. You brought this idea to a higher level and have shown again how much talent you have.
  1. This looks like an ad from the 50's or 60's. Not that I was alive then, but that is the impression it gives me. And to think this camera is only a few years old and already out of date. What really bothers me, looking back, is that my first point and shoot 3MP camera cost more when it came out than my Rebel XT. Great picture--Jason

    the Forgotten

    The toning on this really sets the mood well for what we are looking at. I like the subject for this but I'm wondering how a different angle might affect the impact.


    I love this picture. I used to be forced to practice, back in the old days, but this makes me wonder whether or not I could play any of the songs I used to know. Great work on the composition and lighting this the way you did.


    This picture, along with the story really stopped me in my tracks the other day when I first saw this and made me realize how lucky I truly have been so far in life. After seeing this, I can say that nothing is impossible. I couldn't add anything constructive and really needed to think about what to say, yet I'm still speechless. I almost feel guilty for how seemingly simple my life has been compared to some of the stories I've heard this week along with the pictures and I just hope that I can have the strength of all of you if something this challenging and heart-wrenching comes my way. Technically and emotionally this is a perfect picture. I know this must have been difficult for you to share and I appreciate you doing this.
  2. Julius, this is a very clever take on the word strength that never crossed my mind. The placement and purpose of each book is very well done. I was unfamiliar with two of them until I read your explanation. I must need to read more to gain some more strength through knowledge!


    This is the epitome of true physical strength. I like the position of the elephant, just wish the trunk was a little sharper. Great idea and subject, even though you didn't have much time.


    The emotion in this picture has left me speechless. I can't add to what anyone has said already, but the strength displayed in the image and in Nicki's life are amazing and inspiring. It is too easy to become complacent and allow life to overcome us. She has shown strength and courage that I can't imagine in one person.


    This is a great idea to capture this for strength. I probably would have just walked past it instead of realizing the strength needed to grow from such adversity.

    lego STRONG

    This is such a fun photo, Micki. At first I thought it was serious then I saw some eyes poking out from under the pepper. I'm a new fan of Chop Chop and will tune in for further adventures and to see his feats of strength.


    Don't forget the strength and energy of the photographer in making this image! This is a really beautiful picture. Not to take anything away from it, I would like to see larger waves to add to the impact of the strength of the water. I realize you probably had to use a slower shutter speed depending on the weather conditions and the time constraints of knowing you had to get out of there. The moon is in perfect alignment with the posts. I don't know if you planned that or not, but either way it's a success. The clouds at the top of the frame show a certain fierceness that you usually only see when a strong storm is approaching. Overall, this is a great picture that you created--Jason


    I agree with Fred in that the tree should be centered, because if it was to the side of the frame it could lead the mind to wonder what was right next to the tree. This way, we know it is isolated in the field. Wonderful colors and composition--Jason
  3. I think if you didn't include the source of light, this would be a very good image. With it showing the way it is, it makes it a great image. All your effort was worth it. I think you included all the elements you needed to make this a masterpiece. No, the accident was where a barge had crashed into a bridge over a river and the cars couldn't see that the bridge was missing because it was on an incline.
  4. This is a great image. I wish it was a little larger so that I could see the details in it. I like the darkness and the way you highlighted the subjects. The composition is very good. We had a bad accident in my area a couple of years back involving a barge and a bridge, and there was a picture displayed at one of the memorial services I spoke at that reminds me of this one. Not because of the portrayal of the subject, but because of the excellent light and the way it gives the building and boat a 3D effect. You must have put a lot of work into this picture and I think it really paid off.


    This is a very touching picture, Julie. When I first saw it a little while ago, I called my grandma. Thanks for sharing it!
  5. Those are the best dogs in the world! I like the feel of this headshot with the owner still in the picture. The details on his face show his strength and give a sense of the power that he can use if he needs to. Great picture.


    I really like the high-key effect with this picture and the way the strawberry holds the all the details. I've looked at this one before, but you always do a great job, no matter if it's self portraits, flowers, or whatever else. --Jason


    Hey Micki, and welcome to the Warriors! I can see why you chose this photo, but I'm wondering if a wider angle might work better with this particular shot. It seems as though there is not much in the background and possibly showing more of the empty backgound with just you or your face might bring more of the idea of solitude. I could be way off base with that, but that is my initial impression. Technically, this is great. I like the shadow over the side of your face. Without knowing you, it is hard to tell what your eyes are saying. It could be deep in thought, angry, or sad. I didn't read any of the other comments yet so that I could give an unbiased first impression, and if any of that changes I will let you know. Great work and I'm excited to see what you have for next week-- Jason


    The lighting on this is great! You have really gotten a good understanding over the last few months on how to use it. I need to start practicing with mine more so I can catch up! You keep getting better and better all the time and your friend seems a lot more daring in front of the camera. All of this is working together very well!
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