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Everything posted by David_Cavan

  1. Camera sales may be falling, photography is changing and growing. Consider that in 2017 Infotrends estimated we (the global we) took 1.7 trillion photos. Photography has never been more relevant and active. I'm overwhelmed by the amazing photos I see online everywhere, all the time. They don't follow the old rules - but they are about life. Infographic: Smartphones Cause Photography Boom
  2. I really like that shot. But as you say in my first cut I might have deleted it - although there is something about that one that grabs you immediately. I think it's the girl's eyes - that's 99% of that shot.
  3. From a race at Daytona earlier this year - we haven't been getting out as much this year so digging back into some earlier shots. Beautiful throwback liveries on these Ford GTs this year.
  4. Instagram is designed to support uploading from a mobile device. This author has put together some ideas including 3rd party apps to support posting from a browser, but I don't think there's a direct way from the Instagram app. If there is I'd like to know about it. How to Post Photos on Instagram from a Desktop Computer or Laptop
  5. Hand-held shots at a race track at night took years for me to sort out, but actually because you can get a little longer exposure as you pan the light often works well - the challenge is to pan in a smooth fashion, and squeeze (don't push) the shutter. And, accept that they all aren't going to come out well.
  6. Like Ben I keep enough cards for a busy month; and there's a monthly task of organizing; archiving; and backing-up offsite. Once that's done I format the cards and put them back into duty. Formatting a card before the end of the month creeps me out, I keep waiting for the disaster to happen.
  7. Same here, Sandy. I've been fortunate in that my mother was a bit of an archivist, and with the help of a cousin we've been able to go back into the 1880's photographs and identify everyone. So that's been a big driver for family photography, and keeping a record. It won't be my problem if no one picks it up after I'm done, but I'm suspecting someone will. I didn't really get interested in family history until my 50's, so there's time for someone else. As far as non-family photography, it's always been for me (wow, that sounds more than a bit selfish I guess); and if something appeals to someone else that's a bonus. The internet helps to share stuff easily and I do that for those who are interested, but it's not a driving force.
  8. Yes. We switched to fully digital in 2005, and it took several years after that but now all of our negatives and slides from as far back as early in 1972 have been scanned. After my father passed I decided to scan all of his as well. We both kept the majority of our negatives from back in the day, so the Coolscan IV was able to cycle through almost everything. Lately I've adapted an old bellows stand that my father had for one of our DSLRs, and have copied several older family photo albums back into the '20s. So lots of scanning at our house.
  9. 7D, 100-400 lens; Montreal F1 race last weekend[ATTACH=full]1192917[/ATTACH]
  10. Testing paragraph reply. Paragraph 2. No additional code required.
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