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Image Comments posted by stoatsngroats



    Welcome to PN Shakeera!

    Please take my thoughts as humble discussion between friends, as I mean no harm, and merely offer my thoughts!

    The first thing with this image, is to isolate what exactly you find interesting. I like the central area, and would have concentrated on this before making my photograph. The splash area right by the wave is my favourite area here, and I would have tried to remove anything else which I felt had no interest. This is called 'Framing' or 'Composition', and whilst it can be done with software on a computer, it's worthwhile trying to do in-situ, before taking the shot.

    Next to think about is Exposure, which is basically trying to capture the detail in dark areas, and in the lighter (almost white) areas. This can be tricky to master, and if you're using the camera to choose the exposure, may not be correctly achoeved. In the image above, the detail is not apparent in the shadow area, and the highlights are too white. Much more advice can be offered here at PN, and it can take time to learn well - don't be disheartened, I mention merely as things you may wish to learn!

    Finally, colour is not very saturated - it looks a bit 'washed'. This is partly due to exposure, and can be exaggerated in software.

    I've redone your image, with the things above in mind, and hope you're not offended by it!

    As far as your image, it's great that you spotted the opportunity to shoot it, and bothered to post it here for comment - this shows that you're interested to learn, and aslo, and more importantly, you're watching for things around you which you enjoy, and wish to record. Arguably, this is more important in the beginning than technical ability - one is in-built, the other you can pick-up!

    (My Daughter's thoughts - Perhaps you could make the exposure lighter  to add detail in the shadows - however, I really enjoy the markings in the left section, which my Dad has cropped out, and I like the way you've captured the detail there!)

    Please, feel free to offer your thoughts back to me,

    Very best regards,




    Castle Garden


    Particularly at full size, this image has such a wonderful depth, and mood, aided brilliantly by the effective contrast increase. With such an interesting sky, and landscape, it's  balance, for me at any rate!, is wholesome, and belittling!

    A great image,

    Best regards,


    Be Seated


    I've taken the castors away, and agree that it's an improvement, hope this is not offensive to you?

    It's agreat observation of something which many would miss, or at least, not see the great image there!

    Finally, many thanks for your comments on my images, they're valuable to me, and greatly appreciated!

    Best regards,



    Which Way


    It's a pleasing subjetc to do, and the results can be great to view. You've captured an interesting side to the stairs here.

    I have one very similar in my PF, and would be happy if you could add some of your thoughts to it!



  1. This won't please everyone you know!

    I like the solid black leading edges of the wings, and the simplicity of it too. I'd  like to see more space around the bird tho' - it's much to cramped!

    Please check out my high key images!



    Painted Flower


    Your pastel colours work well here, and I agree - many people can't seem to take the beauty from this kind of image. You've taken yours further than I have on mine, but enjoy the technique, and see where it can lead!

    Best regards,



    Dragonfly back.


    A wonderful image - focus is wonderful here - well taken! The eyes would have been good to see - but I know what these can be like to capture - you did very well!

    Best regards,


  2. I love this image, MUCH better than the previous'cramped' image by thte same name.

    This image as such an extreme depth of colour, and space around the subject and it's reflection that there can be NO comparison between the 2.

    A composition of stellar observation and great technique in exposure.

    Very best regards,


    Follow me!


    I like your image, which has really strong features, and fantastic range of tone. The detail in the pavement, and shadow of all the railings, is great.

    On the whole, it's concept, and composition are almost perfect for me, but I have a 'focul stop-sign' with the men in the top-centre. I feel that these men are extraneous to the image, and they're distracting. Because the focus is not on them, and because they're solid black, it prevents my eye from discovering ALL the delights in the image.

    It's only AFTER seeing the men, and stopping the careful perusal around your image, that I can appreciate the extreme detail of the lampstand, and the steps, and then the woman. ( - she's the REAL subject, surrounded by all these wonderful details of line and shadow).

    It would be great to recreate exactly this image WITHOUT the men, and seee if it's a stronger image. (See above)

    And finally, the frame. Great for display on a wall, but too much here!

    Hope you don't mind my comments - feel free to offer critique to my pf!

    Very best regards,






    It's a wonderful image, with lots of things to let your eye take in, and the colours are varied an interesting too.


    I've got on problem, the verticals in thte mirror edge, doorway, and the buildings in the morror are not vertical!


    I've straightened it as much as I can, but unfortunately, lost some of the image - you can see how off the verticals are by what is missing!


    Hope you don't mind my efforts !


    Very best regards,






    These are my thoughts....



    It's a lovely image, with a strong central 'hook'. I really like the position of the gull in the frame.


    The 'V' shape of the wings flow equally into the image, until the almost solid black head.....it's a kind of 'STOP' for the eye.


    For me it's a single, quick, view (nothing worng with this...just trying to show how I see your Gull!).

    It looks also, as if it's a crop from a larger image, and it's a bit 'soft' - how could you get a crisper image..?


    I'm sorry if this sounds negative - I'm not trying to be a snob, or condescending!


    Please, let me know what you think of my comments!


    Best Regards,





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