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Image Comments posted by stoatsngroats



    It's the tightest crop I've ever seen!........but VERY difficult to state, as fact, that the crop is TOO tight......


    If you captured this as shown, then that is just fantastic....likewise if you've cropped some distraction out.....


    The dynamics of the crop work without ctiticism....the diagonal is just....overwhelming...!


    Impossible for me to say, then, that it's TOO tight, without seeing any more of the image, if, indeed there is more.....BUT i don't want to see more!


    I'm sorry - it really is a conundrum....it's.....enigmatic....?!



    But I love the image, my comment regarding the crop was merely a comment - by No MEANS a criticism!


    Very best regards,





    Water Vole


    This was a 'snatch' shot, because this lovely creature alomost

    immediately ducked back under the reeds which surrounded this little



    This is one of a number of Voles which were released into a Wildfowl

    and Wetlands trust Centre, close to where I live. Apparently, they are

    thriving, so more images, hopefully, to be had in the future!


    I think you may be right, it is slightly tilted! I'll find the original, and see what I can manage - many thanks for the comment, here and elsewhere!

    Bass Guitar


    I particularly like the effect of tonal range in the background to foreground. There is some crisp detail, but not enough for me - the numbers on the dials seems blurred, which could be web compression, and the screw holding the strap hanger is blurred too.


    The most obvious problem, however, is the missing bit! It's like a portrait without the top of a head, or an arm missing from a statue (Venus De Milo excepted!). The body, and neck flow towards the top right corner, in a natural progression, and then stop abruptly in anti-climax......


    Perhaps a different treatment; of very sharp focus at the headstock end, if it were included, would be more flowing....? just a suggestion!


    I hope my criticism is cnstructive for you - I don't mean to cause any problems here...I know that sometimes, when trying to get detail, we can forget what actually makes a 'whole' image.


    Best regards,





    Nice stop-motion here, with great detail in the muscles, and dust from the hoof.....it's a very tight crop!


    Good tonal range, and exposure - well captured!

  1. What a capture, what an image!


    The crests of the ripples catch such an intersting array of line and shape (are there railings there?), with a little 'cherry', just to add some colour!


    Great image - well observed!

  2. The composition in square format works for me, as do the tones, and grain.


    It feels ever-so-slightly unbalanced though (forgive me for mentioning this!) I can see the vertical line to the left, but the headlamp has a horizontal, which "isn't" ! Could you parhaps, turn the headlamp glass to the right, about 3 degrees....?



    ;-) Nice image Evan, plenty more to be had no doubt with this subject!



    Very best regards,



  3. (You critiqued my frist image here at PN, and then WOWED me with your PF!)


    A lovely statement of friendship, and contentment, which overcomes such hard endeavour!


    Nice image, and a very deep leading line!







    Such wonderful colours here, it's almost a shame to see anything bad, but I can't help but feel that the image is unbalanced.......does the horizon slope downwards on the left side....? Is the tree sloping too, and is that a fountain, which is not squirting directly upwards....?


    Is this right, or am I seeing things....?






    Hi Bob,


    I'm not saying I have any superior knowledge - I'm a humble image taker, by NO MEANS, a pro!


    Ashley is missing a hand, or at least, some finger tips - she deserves them back!


    And I see a distraction - it's the windows at the top. Perhaps if Ashley could just drop down a little, so that the whole background is the same shade, it would work better for me.


    I think the focau may be a litle far back too - her tattoo on her left wrist seems more in focus than her face, and this plane seems to progress behind her head to the wood grain in the door just behind her head too.


    Please - let me know what you think of my comments - I'm not trying to upset you!


    best regards



  4. Hi,


    What strikes me is the compatible range of tone between the image on the wall, and the observer. The image background m,idtones are balanced beautifully by the observers jacket.


    The whole right side is distraction for me - the image works much more strongly without it,( in my VERY humble opinion), it seems to unbalance the subjects gaze....hold a piece of black card over the right side, just enough to cover the corner of the wall - you can see my thoughts then. And finally, there are 2 black dots within the top 1cm 1 left, 1 right - these need removing!



    However- this is a VERY nice image, well captured....!



    Nice placement of the woman holding the box, and a great lead-in to the crossroads.


    However - for me the subject is the man, at the top of the hill, looking down at us - it's so strong, and yet, humerous....!


    Nice shot...I'd love it on my wall!

  5. This is a very deep image, with wonderful composition, and a beautiful, interesting, light.

    I wonder how long you spent here, before feeling 'healed' from the humdrum of modern Britain....for me no longer than 5 minutes....probably even 1/5th of that ! but I'd have stayed there a longer time.....perhaps, forever!



    A cool image, Fergas...may this peace fill your heart always!


    Best regards,




    added to my favourites!

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