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Image Comments posted by vincedistefano



    This beetle, about an inch and a half long, had the most incredible

    grip. He was a good model for me! I used a lot of flash so that I

    could shoot at f/25 and get as much of him sharp as possible - was

    there anything else I could have done? TIA for looking.


    Great shot! It does look like some kind of hellfire is engulfing it. Just wondering about why your caption is so far off center, though...but minor point.


    really nice, sharp focus and great background. normally I'd say something about the tone being so uniform, but for some reason it really works here.
  1. there's something really cool about this photo...not quite sure. well, for one, how he comes out of total blackness, and then there's the red tongue in the middle of all the start contrasts. Teeth are cool, and really the lighting on his left whiskers is incredible.

    Spring Glitter


    Thanks for looking. I thought this looked like a natural piece of

    jewelry. I was focused on trying to catch a droplet, so I was shooting

    wide to obtain a high shutter speed. Does any of the resulting blur

    bother you?

    Spring is Here

    Thanks for the comments. Funny, I was just thinking last night that I need to make more of an effort to contribute critiques. You're right about the value of that. I will do better!


    Looking at your portfolio, I see that this photo is only one of MANY nice pieces. Love the colors and themes in your work, very nice. Will be going back to look at everything more closely.

    Morning Fog


    These kinds of photos are hard to get...you want to expose to get the fog, but the sky ends up looking washed-out and the colors muted. have you ever experimented with taking multiple exposures at different settings, and compositing them together? keep shooting!



    Neat photo, good all around. The only thing is, for some reason, my eyes keep wanting the third one back to be the one in focus, probably has to do with its position in the overall composition.
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