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Posts posted by steve_lantz

  1. <p>My wife and I attended a dog show late last year and I noticed a photographer set up to do portraits of dogs. This was a full blown studio set up, multiple lights (4 IIRC), backgrounds, props, various pieces of appropriate sized furniture for the dogs to sit on, etc. He was shooting digital and could show clients the proofs on a laptop.</p>

    <p>The framed samples he had were fantastic. Absolutely beautiful portraits. I was impressed by both the equipment and the results. He was very good at what he was doing.</p>

  2. <p>Two weeks ago I was cruising an old state hi way. I'd been down this hi way a month or so before and noticed a few places I wanted to go back and photograph. My wife was with me.</p>

    <p>I found one of the places (an old dilapidated building with a few old, rusting car hulks around it), pulled over, got out and shot away.</p>

    <p>When I got back into the truck my wife said, "One of these days someone is going to shoot you. You can't just stop the truck, get out, and take pictures of people's property. I hope I'm not with you when it happens."</p>

    <p>Instead of getting into a discussion of the legalities of photographing from public property (this is my wife and having a logical reason/excuse/argument with one's wife isn't always a possibility no matter how right you are) I said, "I would think you would want to be with me if I get shot so you could take care of me."</p>

    <p>"Nope, I don't want to see it."</p>

    <p>I enjoy my wife's company tremendously, even sometimes when cruising back roads. But when I'm taking photographs out there I'd much rather be by myself.</p>

  3. <p>I tend to treat ISO the same as I did when shooting film. I set it for the conditions and what I'm shooting and leave it, changing it only if the light changes or I need to boost the shutter speed.<br>

    I don't do much indoor sports but tomorrow I plan on doing some shooting at a 3 on 3 hockey tournament. The event is in a rink that is used for youth and high school hockey, not the arena our pro team uses. After reading Lex's post I'll give the auto ISO a try. Thanks Lex.</p>

  4. <p>I shoot RAW most of the time also.</p>

    <p>I upload my files then immediately copy them to a second drive in my computer. I then review and cull the files, deleting the ones I don't want to keep.</p>

    <p>Next I process them. I will have a sub directory for .psd files and one for the finished ones. The psd files are usually still in layers and not cropped. This way I can go back and finish according to print size or publishing to the WEB if I want to do something else or print in a different size in the future.</p>

    <p>I replace the files on the second drive with the culled raws and sub directories containing the psd and finished files. These are then backed up on an external drive and sometimes also on DVDs. I usually delete all the files from that session on my main drive and on my second drive after they are backed up.</p>

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