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Posts posted by fotografya

  1. Exactly we learned that (unlike me) , Canon users chose Canon for serving their needs. Canon understood what we needed ( not all of us, but so many of us) in aspects of lenses, comfortable bodies, camera built in software, and the list so goes on. Furthermore, many of the responders were still happy with their equipment, and if Canon company goes on to response to our needs, both Canon and we (Canon users) will win.This is not a critique like " Why do we like our parents ?", this is just where we were, where we are now and where we will probably be in the future. I'm not a Canon fanatic, just happy with mine. What I learned here was, the priority of my goal should be to obtain my needs at first sight, then choose what I'll have, so like many others, I can be happy with my decisions on my photographic improvement. This is what I learned from these numbers, and I'm ( as a novice DSLRist) on my way , but the right way... MF
  2. Of course Stephen, you know. We are they, and they are us. Only small differences make us different. And this is a way to find it. Maybe someone (I'm not interested in Nikon, but I love medium format) does the same in other frontiers of photography, and we learn more of ourselves.
  3. I know , these are not really statistics ,but I collected the data from previous post which 113 of us replied. The post

    was about why we chose Canon, so here are the answers.So we'll have a raw idea about our reasons.

    The basic graphic shows the main answers given to the previous post question. Of course , everyone has his/her own

    answer but I grouped them which are similar in kind.


    "Took advise" included seller,friend,web reading and etc. which directed us to Canon.(27/145)


    "No reason-experience" included no actual reason or having previous experience with Canon users. (28/145)


    "Answering needs" included the photographers that mentioned lenses,bodies,ergonomy etc. of Canon answered their

    needs. (50/145)


    "Best of its time" included the people who just think Canon was the best. (14/145)


    "Price" included the fellas whose wallet was not disturbed by Canon. (19/145)


    "Other brands" included the responders who thought other brands were better although it was not asked. (9/145)


    Some of the responders mentioned more than one reason so the total number of 145 reasons is higher than the

    responder number.


    So this is it.I learned too much in PN society, and will go on to learn.<div>00Qmfm-70129584.jpg.55ce4e076e82642a8b90dfceda47cbcb.jpg</div>

  4. I'm with Freeman about "mate raters" theory. There are little groups of people, especially interested in each other and rating themselves day-by-day. I can give you many examples of these groups, but every group has a cycle of life . Don't bother with ratings, do your hobby and be happy. By the way, I've seen your work M Franz, you deserve better than given . :)


  5. PN society is growing day by day and moderators + editors are keeping their speed well to reach the demand in the

    digital era. I wonder, when the Sigma equipment page will be updated after Philip Greenspun's review at 2005? Let us

    hear about Sigma bodies perhaps... Thanks to everyone in advance. MF

  6. After a bad crash on the floor, the RF of my Kiev 4 was jammed so did the shutter. I gave it to be fixed , but you can't

    know how annoying it was to see it teased into a hundred pieces. But the problem is solved, and Kiev 4 ,the super

    Hero, is on the stage again.It's time to test... I hope ... MF<div>00Ql8p-69651684.jpg.5f4645bb409328a3463eff471f497dca.jpg</div>

  7. I've heard and read much about Canon brand in PN society and the other online photo societies. There were man people using Canon equipment and positive feedbacks let me to Canon. I know there are many pro-photographers in PN society, and let's hear from them... MF
  8. Good examples; in some of them they were passing by, in some you were. 3 of all were exciting for me. Three Asian girls running right of the frame, lady posing in front of an adult magazine and video store, the first one :O man . :)

    I enjoyed the way you composed and presented the scenes. Actually good work.

  9. As I've posted before, my Kiev 4 caused underexposed vertical strip shape areas after a crash, so that I gave it

    to a pro who is fixing old RFs. During the operative procedure on the body, we saw that right lower square frame

    part of the curtain holder was broken. Everything else seemed to be OK. I am waiting to see the results after the

    entire operation finishes,but still I'm the foggiest.<div>00QfnQ-67885584.jpg.dc021cc545982636b0e55d974741864f.jpg</div>

  10. Let's say, you have a 4x5 monorail camera, some Riteway holders already loaded at home, 210mm f/8.0 lens on the

    board, 4x loop hanged on your neck, well-built tripod ready, got dark clothing and changing bag, extra film with

    them.On a sunny sunday afternoon, you got the permission from your wife/husband, load the car.Drive 10 miles

    away, up to the hills facing a beautiful bay.You carry your killer LF bag 100 yards, into the woods.Find a windfree,

    tree shadow, do your setup. When you look to the landscape, trees between you and the sea lasting about half a

    mile.And mountains again , from faraway the sea. You say to yourself; "This is it, time to show them how its done".

    So tell us, What is your workflow? How do you do it? Where do you focus? How many sheets will you waste? Will

    you tilt/shift ? Will you recompose?


  11. I hope the film never ends, in any format , in any way. I love to shoot film, especially medium and large format but, as the people shooting film melt down , the companies leave production. When Polaroid stopped production of instant film, I was shocked, and asked to myself; What if the others? I hope you're right Dennis, and we still have the chance of film 5 years later. Best wishes... MF
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