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Posts posted by bobbuck19

  1. <p>No snow and ice to photograph, no snow to hike and ski in,... might as well build a boat! Poor pic with pop-up flash but the only photography I've been up to for awhile besides slides with my new to me 6x6 tlr (mamiya c330)</p><div>00a28L-443639584.jpg.d8868864f4b2796ab218fcdf303503df.jpg</div>
  2. <p>The closest I come to racing are coal and logging trucks(faster than you would think, or like) just wanted to add my ditto to the weather sealing is great! Have been caught out in several downpours with K10 and no ill effects, however after yesterdays incident huddling in a small meadow holding down scared 90 lb pup (to many deadfalls coming down on trail from wind to cont. walking) my tamron 90 macro is somewhat fogged inside, any ideas on drying it out?</p>
  3. <p>K10D and 16-45 used a GND filter but still played with it some in lightroom, Dave, was pleased to see a WV photo haven't been to audra in years used to paddle there, a great run paddle down the middle fork to the tygart then down the tygart gorge then up the bucchanon as far as you can then drag your boat out the railroad tracks to the covered bridge, you could always tell when someone had done that run from the grease marks on the boat from laying astraddle the tracks when dragging it.</p>
  4. <p>Matt, I know what you mean the moves and steep creeks people are doing now is just amazing, most of my boating was done in the 90's, I'm a class 3 and down boater nowadays. Favorite boat was a pinkish dagger rpm I had, saw where dagger made some more of them recently, would love to lose 50lbs and get one again, of course I'd need a new back, knees, erase a few years and get my nerve back!</p>
  5. <p>Matt, my first boat was an old dancer, a great old boat, those old boats are huge compared to what people are paddling now, I paddle very little nowadays in my acrobat 275 which is a small boat in my mind but it dwarfs the ones everyone paddles now. The pics are all west virginia, the new, gualey, and their tributaries mostly.</p>
  6. <p><a href="../photodb/folder?folder_id=974761">http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=974761</a> Hope thats a link, bragged about old paddle shaft photos the other day, wished I hadn't. Justin suggested posting some and I thought why not, dug through my files(boxes in the closet) and was amazed at how poor the quality was, nothing like I remebered them and scanning 10-15 yr old 4x6 prints on a cheapo flatbed doesn't enhance them ran a few through lightroom not much help, anyhow I'll leave them here for a few days in cases anyones interested then hide them again.</p>
  7. <p>Haven't used one, but would love to, are many still out there? My 2 cents would be while camo would be easy to do with a lens coat or vinyl tape used for gun barrels and such and certianly wouldn't hurt, movement is much more important(lack of movement) in most situations, I've been close to wildlife many times presumably undetected or at least no cause for concern while wearing bright clothing and or carry bright gear. Something I've always wondered about when seeing those lens coats advertised wouldn't the barrel be of little concern when you've got a saucer sized piece of shiny, flashy glass pointed right at the subject you are trying to hide from?</p>
  8. <p>have had a few prints made from slides at wally world, mostly disappointing, what ended it for me wasn't the hassle of explaining that it was my slide not something i had bought( i guess its a big problem at wal mart for people to buy slides then have prints made from them because i have been asked that every time) the last straw was when i took some in, sleeved, and as the girl was asking me if they were mine or professionals she took them out of the sleeve putting her thumb right in the middle of the slide, i asked for them back and left, walking away i heard her say whats the matter as i was looking at the big thumb print in the middle of my velvia!</p>
  9. <p>Justin, of course not something for a good camera but in my serious whitewater days used to tape a disposable waterproof camera to my paddle shaft, catch an eddy and snap pics of buddies running the rapid, always tried snapping while going over a big drop, even once saved me from an insurance deductible by snapping pics of skid marks after a traffic accident, the look on faces as I walked around holding paddle up to my face, priceless!</p>
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