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Nick D.

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Everything posted by Nick D.

  1. Sad, "Life" and "National Geographic" been examples of what real professional photography should look like. But they laid off all photographers long time ago.
  2. Everything is interconnected in our world. With real manufacturing been moved overseas to cheap labor jurisdictions, Western La Belle Époque is over. Income inequality is steadily killing our society. We have more billionaires then we ever had, but we never had so many homeless people as well.
  3. I have 2 Nikons,D750 and D810, and 2 Sonys, A7II and RX100 VI. Also have bunch of film cameras starting from Brownie. I think I am set for life. And I recently discovered, that few remotely controlled flashes with light modifiers way more important than camera bodies.
  4. I got 35/1.4 Sigma art, with small scratch for $200. works fine on my 810D:)
  5. Industar 50/3.5. Zenit M, Svema-65, 43 years ago.
  6. I remember that lens, was hard to focus it on Zenit, and it was soft properly focused anyway. Cheaper and smaller pancake Industar 50-2, 50/3.5 has been sharper. 50/3.5
  7. +1 for " to get extension tubes for your 50mm and 85mm". Or get specialized macro lens, I have old 55/2.8 Nikon AF and love them.
  8. "Photo.net" is sailing on autopilot right now, but it can't operate that way forever, servers time cost money:( I will miss all of you guys, this is the one of few good old sites.
  9. https://petapixel.com/2023/10/17/the-photography-on-the-net-forums-is-shutting-down/
  10. 6D is excellent camera, I was happily using it , but I found it's auto-focus sort of limiting, I use to shoot with 1D3 before 6D. 5D4 is good choice. I am still shooting with Nikon D810 and D750, and such a sweet deals online now on old but still good glass. I don't see reasons to switch, but I don't do video.
  11. This world is run by greedy idiots, pretending to be politicians, look where we are now. I graduated from university in 1982, we had Cold War, sometimes getting close to nuclear war, famine in Sub Sahara region and permanent conflict in Middle East. It's 2023, I am retired this year and we have all the same problems, just on bigger scale. As for USB-C they are targeting Apple, but to avoid retaliation from US, they make it look like they talk about all batteries. What they will do with Electric cars, tools or portable Dyson vacuum cleaners?
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