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Posts posted by alpenglow

  1. Pete... I just wanted to follow through with this thread.


    I got my new cable release adapter today, and it appears that was the problem as it seems to work just fine now. So that was an easy fix, and a big relief! But thank you for taking the time to consider my dilemma... much appreciated :)




  2. Thanks Pete for the reply.


    However, since I posted this question, I think I have the problem figured out. The camera worked fine in the bulb mode until recently. And by "working fine", I mean it would open with one press of the shutter release cable, and then close with another press of the cable. The camera does feature the "battery saver" feature as you mention, but you do not have to turn the dial to a different shutter setting to get it to close. I recently found out that when I remove the shutter release adapter, (necessary to attach the cable release), the bulb function works perfectly when I press the shutter button on the camera body. But with the adapter attached, it does not work. So I think the problem is with the adapter, and I have ordered a new one from B&H. I should have it withing a few days, and then I'll know for sure. I hope this is the problem, cause if it isn't the problem is in the camera body, and that would suck.


    Anyway, thanks for the reply.


  3. I've started to have a curious (and frustrating) problem and I have no idea how

    to solve it. In the bulb mode, (and only in the bulb mode), when I trip the

    shutter, the shutter will open, but when I go to close it, it will not close.

    I have to physically remove the battery, wait approx. 10 seconds, re-install

    the battery and then trip the shutter to close. If I reinstall the battery

    more quickly than 10 seconds, it will not work. All of the other shutter

    speeds work fine... just not bulb. And yes... I checked the battery, and even

    replaced it with a fresh one to eliminate that as the cause. I'm at a real

    loss as to what the issue could be. Anyone have any ideas?


    Many thanks,


  4. Greetings all,


    It seems that pro labs that still process film via dip and dunk are droping

    like flies... especially those that still do C-41. The lab I used for years

    just fell and I'm searching for a new one (via mail-order). I shoot mostly 120

    film, and both E-6 and C-41. I do alot of night photography, and it's critical

    that my negs are handled with great care as to avoid any scratches. Can any of

    you provide reccomendations for such labs and your experiences with their



    Many thanks,


    Mike K.

  5. I would love a dedicated 6x9 camera. And I personally would want it kept very simple... no movements or other features already covered by other "technical" cameras. I'm also not interested in interchangable backs or the ability to cover other formats. I don't know why anyone would want to shoot 645 or 6x7 when they could shoot 6x9. Keep it compact, simple and affordable, as I think that's where the market will be. Build something along this design, and I'll buy one :)


    Mike K.

  6. Greetings all,


    I'm considering getting a used Mamiya 645 35mm f/3.5 wide angle lens. I want to

    use it wide open for night photography, and I was wondering what it's quality is

    like. For those of you that have this lens, any feedback would be greatly




    Mike K.

  7. Wow... thank you everybody for the replies and coming to the rescue. You all had some great suggestions and here is what worked for me...


    Robert and Jon... I did as you said and, in the preview mode, turned off "thumbnail" and made it "normal". It then scanned just as Scott described where the entire holder was scanned, allowing me to click, drag and define the specific area I wanted scanned.


    Then I also did as Ian suggested and explicitly defined the size of the negative via the "configuration" button. This too worked as the scanner then looked for a 6x6 negative, rather than the 645 size that it uses as the default.


    And thank you Doug for the Batch scanning tips. I will be sure to check them out and experiment. Much appreciated.


    I wouldn't have been able to figure this out without all your help. Nowhere in the instructions does it give any explanation along the lines that you gave. This is certainly an area that requires clearer explanation from the folks at Epson.


    So many thanks again, and I hope I can return the favor in the near future.


    Mike Klensch


  8. Thanks Scott and Robert for the tips. I'm not at my scanner at the moment, but I'll try again later today.


    Scott, I was scanning chromes, not negatives, so I had "transparency" highlighted. Should that make any difference? And I was also using the "Preview" scan mode. So I'm not sure why I was having those problems. But I'll give it another go in a few hours, and report back.


    Thanks again guys,


  9. Greetings to all who have a 4490 Epson Scanner.


    I purchaed this scanner recently for scanning my medium format film... both 6x6

    and 645. I've been trying for the past two days to scan some of my 6x6 positive

    film, but no matter how I arrange the frames in the holder it will always crop

    off part of the images. Sometimes more or less is cropped depending on how I

    position the frames, but never will it scan an entire frame without cropping.

    I'm at a loss as to what the problem is. Have any of you run into a similar issue?




  10. Thanks Mona...

    I should have indicated that this is a manual focus lens and it's for a Mamiya 645 Pro TL body. I already have the 80mm f/2.8, but wondered of the f/1.9 would capture me a few more stars.


    Thanks Ulrik for the suggestion...

    That lens does sound wonderful, but I fear a bit out of my budget right now. I recently was given a Hasselblad SWA from 1954 in almost mint condition. I'm very curious to give this a try (I haven't yet). I understand that the lens is wonderful.


    I also have other MF lenses for the Mamiya... the 35mm, 45mm and 55mm. But none are as fast as the 80 1.9. This winter will be my first experiment using them for night work. You can see some of the night imaging I've done with 35mm equipment on my website at www.aglowphoto.com


    Thanks again,

    Mike K.


    Mike K.

  11. Greetings all,


    I'm new to this forum, and I've very much enjoyed looking through your posts...

    there is such a wealth of knowledge here.


    I'm in the process of acquiring a new Mamiya 645 system that I intend to use for

    both my landscape work, and astro-imaging (I specilize in aurora photography).

    I was wondering about the fast 80mm f/1.9 lens and how it performs wide open.

    My experience with fast 35mm lenses are that they show significant spherical

    abberation and coma when shot wide open (especially noticable in the stars), and

    I was wondering if anyone here has experience with this Mamiya lens...

    especially in shooting the night sky.


    Thanks in advance.


    Mike K.

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