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Posts posted by alpenglow

  1. Has anyone tried to use 35mm film in a medium format camera that does not have a

    dedicated 35mm back, and is not a Holga? I love the effect that comes from

    rigging up a Holga to use 35mm film so that the image bleeds onto the sprocket

    holes. And I was wondering about trying this same idea in a "higher end"

    camera, like my RB67 or a TLR. I'd like to secure the 35mm canister more

    securely than the foam-tension Holga technique. Is there something I can stick

    into the ends of the canister that will properly mate with the 120 spool holders?




  2. That's a strange one Stefan.


    A year ago I had a problem with my ProTL where the shutter would stay open and not close unless I removed the battery. Through much trial and error, I decided to get a new cable release adapter, and apparently that was the problem. Because with the new adapter, it worked just fine, and I saved alot of money by not sending it in for repairs.



  3. Thanks Juan. I'm not sure if it's worth it to me to get the ProSD version. Maybe I'll look into what is would take for the modification.


    Keith, I do alot of photography of the night sky, (you can check out my PN portfolio). The larger diameter lens elements and faster apertures (especially at the wide angle end of the spectrum) make the RB more attractive than the press cameras.


    Thanks again,


  4. Greetings all,


    I'm considering getting a Mamiya RB system because I love the all

    manual/mechanical simplicity... especially since I work in cold environments

    where batteries are zapped in a matter of minutes. However, I would also like

    to expose the largest piece of film possible, and so I'm interested in the 6x8

    back. However, this back is unfortunatly and inexplicably a motor drive, and

    requires batteries. So I'm wondering if the back could still be usable with

    out the batteries.


    Many thanks,



  5. Hello Zach,


    I am very interested in your efforts, since I too am looking to do some large format astro imaging. Since camera movements are really of little or no concern, I was thinking that the Fotoman 45PS might be a good camera. I just soooo wish that Fuji made their Provia 400X in sheets. What film are you thinking about using?



    Mike Klensch


  6. Thank you Scott and Roger.


    I checked out the refurbished scanners, and I'll probably order one. Of course, since I'm in Alaska, the "free shipping" doesn't apply to me, and it'll cost another $57.00... so it goes. But thanks for the head's-up.


    I'll also look into the adjustable wet mount station. My main use for this scanner will be for proofing my negs and chromes... not for printing. So the quality of the scan is not quite as important.


    Thanks so much again,


  7. Greetings all,


    I'm just ready to get my feet wet in large format, and have just ordered a Wista

    4x5 system. I would like to be able to scan my negs/chromes and I have heard

    good things about the Epson 4990 for the budget minded (me). BUT, when I look

    at the specs at B&H and other stores, it makes no mention of 4x5 capability...

    just 35mm and 120. Am I missing something? Is there a special adapter I need

    to by for 4x5 scanning?




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