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Posts posted by alpenglow

  1. Thanks everyone for the feedback.


    Thanks Dan for the warnings regarding mirror lenses in general. I know about their limitations, but am willing to deal with them if the quality is decent. If I had the money, I would just buy the 500mm Mamiya APO and be done with it. Alas, my pockets aren't quite that deep ;)


    Thanks John for the alternative idea. I will have to look into that in more detail. Sounds like a nice set-up.


    And thanks Robert and Ray for the review and additional info. It does seem like of all the mirror options, the 600mm Arsat would be the best choice. I am leaning more in that direction.


    Cheers for now, and many thanks again,


  2. Greetings all,


    I'm considering getting an Arsat 600mm mirror lens for my Mamiya 645 and I was

    wondering if anyone here has experience (good or bad) with this lens.


    Thanks for any feedback.



  3. Thanks Bueh, but it's not quite as straight forward as that. BTW... I should have mentioned that this is the M645 lens (for pro/tl)... not a 67 lens.


    On this lens, there is an independent "mag spacer", rotating collar that is supposed to work in conjunction with the Mamiya auto macro spacer. This collar rotates and locks at different increments, and at different focus distances. This is where I need a bit of clarification.



  4. David,


    Even my 35mm cameras rarely go beyond 1 second exposures on the dial. Anything longer, and I always use bulb and count/time myself. Check out my "Nocturnes" folder here on PN to see my results shooting with both 35mm and medium format. The images in this folder ranger from about 10 seconds to 3 hours, and all were timed by me... not the cmarea.



  5. Many thanks everyone... lots of great information here. I have friends on Whidbey who just moved there a few years ago, so I do plan on visiting with them and checking out that area as well. I'll probably stay at the Hostel at Fort Worden.


    Warm Regards,


  6. Alex,


    There should be a number of "kits" on the KEH site that will fit your needs, and if not, they will certainly have enough to piece together a nice system. However, (FYI), if you are looking just for a power grip drive to add to your system, I am currently selling mine, and it is listed in the PN classified section. I personally don't find it necessary for my style of photography, and prefer rather to use the manual winding crank.



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