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Image Comments posted by aginbyte

  1. ... I had in mind the shot of the Bride's head dress in the Kyoto folder and wanted to see it again, but in going through your portfolio was completely diverted by some of these other shots. I finally got to it, but it WASN'T EASY. You have TOO MUCH GOOD WORK!
  2. ... thought you'd removed them! I thought I'd commented on this one, because I know it very well. I love the hall on the left with all of its structural elements, and then the peace and stability of the room on the right. Great job.
  3. ... am trying to find your Kyoto shots, but keep on getting sidetracked by some of these wonderful shots, Pnina. This is another beauty. Some of this earlier work is among your absolute best, if you don't mind my saying. Beautiful.


    ... have been away so long from PN that I've hungered for shots like this. I look at it greedily, reveling in the structure and the geometries. Thanks for posting this!

    The Cathedral.

    ... such a wonderful structure, beautifully captured here, Marta. Hope to get there soon, we had a great time shooting in Cerdanya, but need to get to western Spain. Thanks for posting this and getting me motivated.
  4. ... and these are much harder than they look. Since the whole point is to capture the incredible symmetries above us, it is actually not a simple process. Now, being one who uses a tripod exclusively to get multiple exposures and therefore must turn the tripod center post laterally and then set up the shot, I envy you being able to lie on your back and get this shot :)


    Great job, anyhow. I love this shot.

  5. ... but then who am I to be surprised. Adan, glad you saw PJ's work, wish so much she would post here, but she's directing another show and has no time. You are right about her work, though, and I'm watching out. Actually, it's great fun to have someone who is as geeky about this stuff as I am!
  6. ... I love these composites of yours, great story-telling. This one is right on the money, with a priceless title. Great work, and thanks for making me smile again. (BTW, every time I see a note on one of your posts on my work, I can't help imagine and elephant moving in among the columns :)
  7. ... seems that I have missed some posts.


    First of all, thanks, Adan, as usual for your kind and observant posts. It is always a pleasure. You must have been here, in all of your travels.


    David, one of the beautiful California mission churches, indeed. Glad you like it.


    Yes, Kim, my specialty is shooting the interiors of dark structures like churches, in fact, it is probably my obsession:) Thank you so much.

  8. .... one of the great things about PJ is that she loves photography, and specifically the photography of Romanesque churches, as much as I do. The downside is that she occasionally takes pictures like this :)


    Jeff, the woman's expression is priceless. As posted earlier, I subsequently had long discussions with her. She is so proud of the church and so happy that we were enthralled with it as well. This was early on, before we talked, and you can see that she hadn't yet made up her mind about this big guy with the equipment :)


    Ton, that's me doing what I love most. I told PJ for you, and she laughed. This, by the way, is precisely the kind of thing that PJ is so good at; the little details, the fleeting moments. This last weekend, we just finished a short trip on the Cape shooting Congregational and Methodist churches, cemeteries, and light houses. I'm sure there will be some posting on that. We had to stay in practice before the next trip to France in September. And we still have thousands of shots to develop from the last one!

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