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Image Comments posted by aginbyte


    ... serious photographer at work here, must spend far more time on your portfolio. Will make my way through your architectural work first, since that it my metier.


    ... but I do wish it were corrected for vertical perspective. But the detail is wonderful and the vaulting and upper arcade levels quite compelling. Again, well done.
  1. ... there is much to be said for this image. Personally, I find it quite compelling, despite the people in the foreground. It would seem fairly simple to remove them if you so chose. Agree with Charles about the blacks, but that's a matter of choice. I like the image very much. Congratulations.
  2. Another test with the 17mm tilt-shift from Canon. This test was

    primarily to use the shift to correct the vertical perspective and the

    tilt to keep focus from the closeup on the end of the pew to the

    distant windows. You can see that the left side background is out of

    focus while on the right hand side there is continuous focus from

    foreground to background. Thanks for your comments.

  3. ... thanks for the quick comment. I was testing out the new 17mm tilt shift lens this weekend, both at Trinity Church and here in Old South Church. In this, I was doing the vertical shift with a horizontal tilt to keep both the close elements and the distance in focus. You can see how the distance part of the left side of the shot is out of focus but the right side is in focus). It was fun doing this and it came out wonderfully in black and white. I can tell you, this is an amazing lens. As much as I loved the old 24mm ts, this lens is far superior. I'll be posting more shots of this test sequence (and most of them will be my more "normal" shots).


    Thanks again.


    ... your son sliding down into the flowered mountain meadow, beautiful sky above. I can see you walking here, Photis, patiently waiting for another opportunity to show the glories of your country. Such a pleasure to be back and see such shots.
  4. ... for me it captures the dichotomy of the performing artist. Here, she is summoning up a private moment but she is doing it with full awareness of her obligation as a performer. No matter how strong and truthful the moment, there must be some element of sharing it with the audience. I sense this in your shot and it makes it more powerful. The color version is also more evocative to me.

    Under The Net

    ... my favorite of the sequence, and one of my favorites of your recent work. Perfect framing and the isolation of the dancer in the near-black (I like the "near-blackness" very much) works so well. Beautiful shot and a strong image.
  5. ... all of the different forms and shapes here; the plumbing, the wall hanging, the metal on the right, the paper from under the door, the cross bracing on the shelves. A melange, to be sure, but one that works well. The dominating blue color makes the shot, especially with the cat superimposed.
  6. ... thank you both for the comments.


    Jeff, of course am looking forward to seeing you and the family at Persy's this summer, can't wait. Sorry we missed you over the fourth, but we had guests from California.


    Vadim, please, please feel free to contact me when you go to Woods Hole. Would love to meet you. Sorry I haven't seen this message before now, but I've been so busy.


    ... with your suggestion of Le Colonial for dinner. It was a wonderful restaurant, both food and ambiance. Thank you so much, and again, thanks for the visit, my friend.
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