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greg neils

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Image Comments posted by greg neils

    At the river

    Stunning photo. After looking at it really close to find any sort of error the only thing that came up was that little tiny bird on the Zebra. Was the bird on the ground or on the Zebra? Would you want to photoshop out the bird or perhaps there is another picture after it left?

    Luxor Temple


    The corners of the ruins coming out of the picture make this seam larger than life. It looks like the ground was slightly wavy or was that an issue with photo stitch. If you're good with a photo editing program have a go at making the columns on the far left go vertical. It might add to the photo, then again it might distract. The "photo by:" and "Luxor" below the frame is really distracting, maybe a light shade of gray would look better.


    I'm heading to Angkor Wat next week. Any photo tips?



    You've really got accurate colors. Do you mind if I ask how you did it? I'd like to achieve the same sort of colors in my shots from Railay, Thailand.



    Tag!! your it

    Two lovely kids and I'm looking at the fence, the cars, and the painted shed. Could you have moved your feet to clear up the background, or was the messy background your intention as more of an environmental photo?
  1. The harsh overhead lighting makes the 2 mini cliffs stand out, but everything else in the photo looks boring and 1 dimensional. Go back in the early morning or late evening, get closer to ground or subject.


    I really like the tossed hair, the expression, the colors and the background. Really good sharpness on the eyes. I wouldn't change anything.



    I really would like to learn how to correct the over exposed sky in

    the background. All comments are welcome.


    I took this at an elephant park in Thailand. 2 seconds later the nice

    elephant would have stepped on me. I was quite surprised by his speed.


    If you were intending to have a very serious looking kid sit on a twisting turning playground fun slide, than it is perfect. IMHO it is contrived, but still a good portrait.

    happy life

    Excellent composition. I'm not sure if the child looks happy. The mom definetely does. Trimming a little off the bottom would make the child appear to run even faster, which I think might look nice.



    Beautiful. The eyes are sharp, the colors are great. The only thing I'd change is the stem going into her throat and the leaf on her shoulder. They add a nice green, but look a little hooky and out of place. Wonderful child. She looks like an absolute doll!


  2. Hello,


    Checked out your page and it said you were looking for some advice with the nature/landscape photos.


    I like this photo, with a little bit of cleaning up it could be just a little bit nicer. The railings at the bottom gotta go. These might not have been in the view findering when you took the picture. The boat of the right could be completely in or out of the picture. Cropping the picture at the top also makes the Moon stand out, which I think is what you were after. I tried these on a copy of your same picture and IMHO it looks a little bit better.


    Keeping shoting and have fun....


    - Greg

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