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glenn norris

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Image Comments posted by glenn norris


    Donibane, this has a lovely light - looks like the perfect place to be. Actually it kind of reminds me of hdr because everything is toned so evenly. Well done my friend! Glenn


    Donibane, it is two months after you posted this image and my thoughts keep coming back to it. Your technique here is sooo magical... you have some similar images and I cannot stress enough that I feel they are your strongest. This a work with a meaning, a strong feeling, a mastery of technique, and all of that. Anyway, I keep meaning to ask you if you would consider a collaboration or something of the sort. I have some shots a took at the museum (of natural history) with crows, wolves, bears, etc (not alive but preserved of course) and I thought they would be great in a collage of this kind... making a strong statement about the anger of the earth at man's negligence. Anyway... onward....


    Nice street capture Donibane. I am drawn to these because of my sweet little girl... I have wayyy too many on my hard drive. Anyway, who is the dude up in the top right corner? Did you leave him there on purpose? Glenn

    Picking smiles.

    Has the Domen style written all over it...strange and thoughtful at the same time.... Hope you are well too. We all go through stages and hopefully you will find some more art to create soon. Just remember, these are the times we need to work harder! Take care - Glenn



    "why sometimes my rates are about 5/5 and the photos do not appears at the "top photos" of the day (24 h)?... "

    ...........I am not sure if this is your answer Donibane but the photos only appear within 24hrs of when you ADDED THEM TO YOUR PORTFOLIO, not 24 hours from when you put them up for critique. This can be difficult when you have had a shot in your portfolio for weeks and get a nice comments and then you want to get it rated... nobody sees the piece after it leaves the critique forum because it ends up in the best of the MONTH and not the last 24 HOURS.

  1. I did not notice that you had posted! Great shot here and I agree with the above - keep shooting in different ways... as I remember, you have never had trouble breaking rules etc to be a little different.... Take care my friend! Glenn++++


    Donibane, since when have you decided to give time and energy to this 3/3 rater problem? Funny, but I know, it does get frustrating after a while. Yesterday I posted an image that had about 9 ratings for a score of about 5.5. That is pretty good yes? Over night the image was rated three more times - two 3/3's and one 3/4... my average when down to around 4.5 and so I erased the post. It is getting to be just a game to try to sneak the image past the 3/3'ers just so others will have a chance to view it on the top photos board so that it can be rated properly! I do this almost every day! Post, erase, post, erase... it is a big joke. I can understand the 'theory' that we need anonymous ratings but I just don't think the ratings work in practice. I think the 'honor' of being allowed to rate others' work should be earned. If a new member rates for two weeks and their rating average falls within a few percentage points of the average for the site, then they have earned the 'honor' of being allowed to offer their opinion on the photos here. Just like the person said above, when a newbie jumps in, they tend to have some pretty silly ideas of what is a good photo, and they seem especially susceptible to rating nudes highly and also to thinking for example sunset images are 'prettier' than, say, a black & white abstract. But they just do not have proper training and experience... why not make them earn it? Anyway, your image is playful and took quite a bit of skill actually...even though I know you are not really serious in posting it... Glenn++++
  2. Thanks for all your comments! When I started using HDR, I was really fascinated with using people in the shots. Most of the time the people look like ghosts... I have a lot of success shooting still people who are part of the scene but not closeup as you would for a portrait (like in "The Cobbler's Shop." Believe me, I have tried almost every combination of shots, single shot hdr's, extreme lighting situations; almost everything. With this shot it was really just luck... I saw the morning light, snuck up behind the man, took the three exposures and left. Later, I saw that he had moved too much for the third shot and only ended up using the first two. It is all just fun and experimentation. Thank you again Jo! Glenn


    Tanya, a very compelling image. You certainly make a great model and do not seem to be shy of the camera - that takes guts... as for any critiques I am not sure that the title fits because this does not feel like sadness at all. Take care - Glenn++++


    Very nice Donibane... I also agree that this is very expertly composed with the natural against the space-age unnatural. This image could have been pretty bland had you not searched out that blossom to include. My question would be why you decided against pushing the saturations up? Did this highlight the blossoms too much and detract from the building as a focal point? Not that I do not agree with you decision, just interested to know. Glenn


    Yes Donibane, I would love to know a little bit about your processes too - your manipulations and collage work are always believable and professional... maybe a few tips...?
  3. Thank you gentlemen! About those larger sizes, I am a little embarassed to admit that I have no idea how the sizing works... when I 'save for web' I have to knock down the JPEG from 100% to 46 or 47 most of the time (medium to low quality). To make it larger I would have to knock the quality down to 30 I imagine. Am I missing something/doing something wrong? Glenn


    Hi Donibane, it is fun to see you jump from one type of image to another - one day this, the next architecture, the next ocean landscape - you have quite a diverse portfolio. So anyway, why do you mention this 3/3 rater? Seems this person is here everyday and will never go away. Problem is that it seems like alot of works here are only getting rated 7 or 8 times now when a few months ago it would be double... so with so few rating, those 3/3's pull the scores way down. This week I actually wrote to some of my fave artists to point out that I have rated almost every one of their twenty last images and would it be possible to acknowledge this and give me one critique now and then.... So maybe there are just way too many selfish artists here who probably deserve 3/3's.... By the way, my own conscience says that I must give 10 times more than I receive so I have received over 600 and given over 6000 - this is my way of not being so selfish (although it can be difficult...LOL) Take care Donibane!
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